Chapter 767: What do you like

She hit him on the shoulder and scolded him, "shameless! "

She had seen his serious expression before, but she did not expect him to say such a thing. She looked very uncomfortable after he said that.

Luo Xichen turned around and let her face him. He looked into her eyes and added, "you should know this very well. "

Ever since he had her, he had not touched her for more than seven days, except for the one year they had been apart or her special circumstances every month.

Sha Zhixing was speechless for a long time and did not know how to continue.

Could she control her injuries?

Luo Xichen liked to see her blushing. He stared at her for a long time, leaned over her shoulder and kissed her twice. He helped her pull her clothes back and carried her in his arms. "It's not good to soak for too long. Let's go back first. "

His voice was very faint, but very gentle. It was very reassuring.

He usually did not talk like that. On the rare occasions, he spoke to Sha Zhixing.

The uneasiness on Sha Zhixing's face faded after his words. She found a comfortable spot in his arms and leaned against him without saying anything.

The two of them walked slowly down the mountain under the moonlight. When they returned, they had just appeared in the living room when a mocking voice suddenly sounded. "Tsk, is this the mood? "

The sudden voice startled Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen at the same time. They turned their heads stiffly and looked towards the source of the voice.

Ji Nanyou was sitting on the Sofa in the living room with his legs crossed Lazily. His gaze fell on the two of them with a playful look in his eyes.

"Why are you here? " Luo Xichen immediately changed his face when he saw him.

"Yafeng was afraid that sister Zhixing would feel uncomfortable after drinking too much wine, so he forced Ken Nisi to cook some sobering soup and bring it over, " Ji Nanyou explained innocently. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he smiled innocently.

Luo Xichen's face was a little distorted after his words. Qing Yafeng gave the order. Ken Nisi would cook, and Ji Nanyou would bring it over?

Did he need so much Ginseng and Ginseng to cook a bowl of soup?

"I seem to have come at a bad time? " Ji Nanyou said as he glanced at the two of them who were drenched. He clearly understood the situation, but he did not intend to leave no matter what.

It was obvious from his eyes that he wanted to stay and watch the show.

Sha Zhixing was a little embarrassed by his stare.

She had never blushed when she was out with a group of people. Now that Ji Nanyou was looking at her alone, she felt very uncomfortable. It was as if he had caught her in a bad situation.

Luo Xichen was quite at ease. He had no intention of letting her go. He walked over to Ji Nanyou in a few steps, raised his toes, and kicked his feet away from the coffee table he had set aside. He said coldly, "the things have been delivered. You can leave now! "

"Ken Nisi doesn't know what kind of flavor Zhi Xing likes. He wants to know if he can make it to her taste. " Ji Nanyou ignored his fierce words. He turned to Sha Zhixing with a smile and added, "I have to report back. "

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched after he said that.


Did he think it was child's yogurt?

Ji Nanyou did not explain further. He waited patiently for her answer.

Sha Zhixing was speechless for a while after he said that. Then, she slowly said something that made Ji Nanyou even more speechless. "I like strawberry flavor. "