Chapter 773

Master Luo was surprised by her reaction. He looked at her quietly and his eyes fell on her back.

Sha Zhixing caught his eyes and guessed what he was thinking. She sat down beside him and comforted him gently, "GRANDPA, I'm fine. I'll be fine in a few days after applying the medicine. "

Luo Yi nodded and put his hand on the back of her hand. "Does it still hurt? "

Sha Zhixing shook her head with a smile.

Luo Yi was silent for a moment. Then, he looked up slowly and said in a faint and helpless voice, "Lan told me that your marriage is being prepared. "

Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing were stunned at the same time. Their eyes fell on Luo Xichen's face.

Sha Zhixing thought of his anger and was a little nervous about what he was going to say next.

Luo xichen quietly observed Luo Xichen's reaction and tried to figure out what he was thinking.

Luo Yi looked at the two of them and sighed. "Zhixing, you know that grandfather has always wanted you to marry Rong Ci. Rong Ci's parents liked you when they were alive. They left early. Rong CI is their only concern... "

"There is no parent who doesn't love their child. After the two of them left, I transferred my love to Rong Ci. Rong Ci did not disappoint me. She was smart, sensible, and capable. If it wasn't for the injury she suffered for Xichen, she would probably... "

Luo Yi's voice was very light, and his words were full of love for Rong Ci. When he talked about his injury, he was even a little choked up.

Luo RONGCI had never disappointed him since he was young. In addition to his physical shortcomings, Luo Yi would favor him a lot more.

Sha Zhixing listened to him quietly and exchanged a glance with Luo Xichen, trying to figure out what he was trying to say.

Do you want me to marry Rong Ci again?

Sha Zhixing suddenly became nervous, and a trace of unconcealable panic flashed across her eyes.

Grandfather Luo observed her expression and could not help but sigh.

"Is Grandfather so scary? " He looked at her from the corner of his eyes and said in a self-deprecating tone.

Sha Zhixing smiled awkwardly and said, "grandfather, what are you saying? "

Luo Yi did not expose her. "I didn't ask you to marry Rong Ci. I just want you to understand why I insist on this. "

Sha Zhixing heaved a sigh of relief. She was finally relieved.

It seemed that the blow had been worth it.

What she did not know was that Wen lan and Luo Enqi had also done a lot of work for Luo Yi.

It was not that Luo Yi did not love Luo Xichen, it was just that he was too partial to Rong Ci and had completely ignored Luo Xichen's feelings... ...

At the entrance of the stairs, a slender figure stood quietly and listened to their conversation. His dark eyes were stained with ink... ...

Sha Zhixing did not know why Luo Yi had asked the two of them to come back. She had been nervous ever since she entered the house. Now that she heard the old man's words, her tensed nerves relaxed. She even joked with Luo Yi.

"GRANDPA, you will be attending our wedding, right? You are such an important person. You can't miss it. "

Luo Yi still felt sorry for Luo Rong. However, Luo Xichen had already received his marriage certificate, so he could not be so cruel as to break up the two of them.

He glanced at Sha Zhixing and nodded under her expectant gaze.

Luo Xichen watched his reaction calmly, and the corners of his lips curled up... ...