Chapter 770 powerful talent

The first page recorded the transaction from yesterday. The auction was for a batch of diamonds mined in South Africa. It was a regular business. Nothing strange about it.

Luo Xichen heaved a sigh of relief. The corners of his lips curled up.

That kid was getting more and more straightforward in handling things.

In fact, there was a very big transaction yesterday. It was not handled by Luo Xichen. The transaction was handled by someone else from Jue Ye. However, the business records would be written on an account book. It could no longer be seen on this account book. Obviously, it had been disposed of.

And this was what he did not want Sha Zhixing to see.

Sha Zhixing was still slowly flipping through his account book, page by page, and continued to read.

Luo Xichen stood beside her and looked at the account book very carefully.

He was afraid that there would be some fish that had not been disposed of.

Sha Zhixing began to read very slowly, and then started to flip through it. It took her more than ten minutes to flip through a very thick stack of account books.

After closing the book, she suddenly said, "there are too many loopholes in this account book. It's time to change the finances. "

"What do you mean? ''LuooXichenn raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

"The weekly total income and the business income in this account book are not equal, " Sha Zhixing said casually.

Luo Xichen's expression darkened after hearing her words.

The account book in the dead of night would be recorded every day and there would be statistics every week. What she meant was that the weekly total income and the weekly total income would not be equal.

He had gotten someone to process so many transaction records. Naturally, the weekly total income would be much more than the daily total income in this account book.

However, what Luo Xichen did not expect was that she had only used ten minutes to go through all the data in such a thick stack of ledgers!

How powerful was her memory and mental calculation ability to be able to do this so quickly?

This was the first time that Luo Xichen realized that Sha Zhixing had such a big characteristic. He looked at her quietly for a while, and suddenly smiled slightly.

Was this considered a talent?

"Am I right? " Sha Zhixing moved closer to him, looked up, and smiled.

"Yes. " Luo Xichen nodded and smiled. "come to jue ye occasionally to help out in the future! "

"What position? " Sha Zhixing raised her eyebrows. She had a bad feeling about this.

In her opinion, Luo Xichen had probably arranged some kind of secret for her.

It was just a simple job.

"I have to think about this carefully. " Luo Xichen touched his Chin and seemed to be deep in thought.

Then, he said slowly, "how about accounting? "

"Don't you think that the financial director is more suitable? " Sha Zhixing retorted.

Luo Xichen rubbed her head and teased her, "I'll leave the financial control of the family to you. "

"GET LOST! " Sha Zhixing gave him a word of praise.

The financial control of the family?

He should be responsible for how to buy vegetables and how to spend daily, right?

"Rong Xi's is fine too. " Luo xichen seemed to be easy to negotiate at the moment.

"really? " Sha Zhixing's eyes lit up after his words.

"Have I ever lied? " Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows and asked instead of answering.

Half of his assets belonged to her. What was Rong Xi?

"What's the annual salary of the finance director? " Sha Zhixing asked with a smile.

Qing Yafeng walked in from the door and heard the scene. He couldn't help but say, "are you stupid? Just ask him to hand over all his cards. "

Sha Zhixing,"..."