Chapter 788 see, how good I am to you

The old man was so angry that his chest was stuffed.

Luo Xichen glanced at him and pretended that he did not exist. He searched for the things an Xin had brought with him.

He specifically told him about the food to replenish blood. An Xin had prepared a lot of it, but they were all pork livers. There was no other reason. She had rushed over because she was in a hurry. The stir-fried pork livers did not take more than a few minutes. The traditional Chinese medicine to replenish blood was too unbearable.

Luo xichen looked at the pile of pork livers and his lips could not help but twitch.

Sha Zhixing leaned over and looked at the beautiful lunch box in his hand. She could not help but shiver when she saw that it was full of fried pork livers.

She did not like to eat pork livers. There was no reason for it. She just could not get used to the taste.

She turned her head and looked at Shi Qinuo from the corner of her eyes. She remembered that Luo Xichen had just told her that he would donate blood. She smiled and handed the lunch box to him. "Master, this is my gift to you. "

There was a hint of mockery in her tone. It was as if she had returned to the energetic girl from before.

Shi Qinuo looked at her from the corner of his eyes. He could not help but frown when he saw what she had brought him.

He did not like to eat this. He did not even know that it was edible. He only knew that Foie gras could be eaten.

However, Shi Qinuo did not say these words out loud because he was afraid of hurting Madam Sha's good intentions.

He took the food from her hand and fixed his gaze on Sha Zhixing's overly Pale face. Shi Qinuo took the fork and directly put it into her mouth "Why don't you take a look at your own face? Your face is as Pale as a ghost. Today, you obviously lost more than me. You need it more. "

His actions seemed to be very considerate, but, this metaphor... ...

After his words, the eyes of the rest of the people in the room fell on his face one by one.

Shi Qinuo did not mind the strange gazes of so many people. He gulped down a few mouthfuls of Sha Zhixing's water and gracefully handed her a glass of water. Then, he slowly said, "Look, master is so good to you. "


Sha Zhixing almost choked on his words. Her hand that was holding the glass of water trembled visibly.

The rest of the people in the room looked at the two of them quietly and frowned suspiciously.

Shi Qinuo was too young. It was difficult to associate him with an old-fashioned master at such a young age with such an outstanding mixed-blood face.

Luo Xichen was not surprised by this.

It was not the first time that the two of them had played around in front of him.

Were they jealous?

A little at first, but he could not restrict Sha Zhixing from making friends, especially friends like Shi Qinuo!

Although they were rivals in love, Luo Xichen still liked fair competition. He believed that his woman would not be so easily snatched away by others, and he also believed that Sha Zhixing knew how to control the boundaries between friends.

Luo Rongci stood by the window and looked Sha Zhixing up and down a few times. He looked at her, then turned his eyes to Shi Qinuo.

He did not know how long she had known Shi Qinuo, but he was sure that he had not known her for long.

Why was she able to get along so naturally with a man she did not know so well, but she was so reserved with him?

Sha Zhixing had been fed more than half a box of pork liver by Shi Qinuo. She was so sick of it that he stopped eating.

The rest of the people in the room started to show concern after she stopped eating.

"How could this be? She was fine this morning. "

"What happened? "

"Why are you so careless? "