Chapter 792 the so-called love

Luo Rongci was so angry that he glared at Luo Xichen. However, he could not do anything to Luo Xichen. He gritted his teeth and returned to Luo RONGCI's side.

Luo rongci looked at the two of them from the corner of his eyes. He looked at Luo Xichen's back and closed his eyes. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Sha Zhixing was in Luo Xichen's arms. She was embarrassed that Luo Xichen carried her into the house in front of so many people. She even went upstairs to her room.

In the past, when the two of them lived in the castle, it was only the two of them. It didn't matter if they were intimate with each other. No one else had seen them anyway. However, she would feel a little embarrassed to be stared at by so many pairs of eyes.

Even so, she was not shy.

If she had still been at loggerheads with Luo Xichen in such a situation, he would have thrown her into his room to be fixed!

Sha Zhixing had a good understanding of his personality and did not insist on this kind of thing with him.

Besides, they were husband and wife now. Who Cared about you?

"Why are you talking back to GRANDPA? " Sha Zhixing asked as she went up to the floor where their room was. She looked up at Luo Xichen.

"Don't you always talk back to me? " Luo Xichen asked without answering her directly. He looked at her leisurely.

There was even a hint of mockery in his words.

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

Come on, are these two things the same?

If he were to argue with her, it could be said that he was flirting with her. How could this be compared?

Or... ...

Sha Zhixing raised her head again and smiled. "You love GRANDPA too? " She teased

Luo Xichen's lips twitched. The hand on her waist could not help but pinch her and massage her. He did not answer her directly. He kicked the door open and went into the room. He put her on the Sofa, stood up and pulled open the curtains.

It was not a matter of love. His relationship with the old man was fraught with conflict. It was not a big deal to Luo Xichen. As long as the old man did not interfere with his marriage.. This kind of interaction did not affect anything.

The huge room became much brighter after the curtains were pulled open. The sunlight shone in from outside the room. The time was mottled, and the air even smelled of Magnolia.

The two of them had not come to this room for a long time since they moved to the castle. Sha Zhixing actually liked his room because his room could be seen from outside.

When the two of them were not dating, Sha Zhixing was very wary of Luo Xichen. She even had the urge to tear down the balcony between their rooms.

However, now that she saw this arrangement, her heart was warm.

The two of them had no idea what was going on!

"What are you giggling about alone? " Luo Xichen turned his head and glanced at her with a smirk on his face.

"which eye of yours saw me smiling? " Sha Zhixing's expression froze and she glared at him.

Luo Xichen was very disdainful of her words.

Did she still need to look He could feel it even with his eyes closed!

"I'm going to accompany grandfather. " Sha Zhixing was bored as she sat there. Her feet touched the carpet and she wanted to stand up, but Luo Xichen came up to her and carried her in his arms. He walked to the bedside in a few steps.

He came to the bed and put her on the bed. Then, he leaned down slowly. He smiled and said, "young mistress Luo, you have so much free time. Why don't you consider the mission your mother gave you? ''