Chapter 805 the elegance of Young Madam Luo

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched as she walked out of the room with her phone and went to the balcony.

When she came out, Luo Xichen was standing on the balcony of her room, leaning Lazily against the guardrail. His hand was holding his phone just like hers.

The two of them looked at each other across the balcony. One of them curled her lips slightly while the other curled her red lips slightly.

"Why aren't you sleeping at this time of night? " Sha Zhixing was talking to her phone, but her eyes were looking in his direction.

"I can't sleep without you, " Luo Xichen said straightforwardly.

"You have to wake up early tomorrow, " Sha Zhixing reminded him.

Luo Xichen ignored her words and reached out his hand to her across the balcony. "COME HERE! "

The two balconies were very close to each other. Luo Xichen walked across them as if he was walking on flat ground.

"Go to bed early! " Sha Zhixing glanced at Luo Xichen's hand and turned to the side, ignoring him.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and leaned forward with a Sullen face. He wanted to pull Sha Zhixing over, but Sha Zhixing took a big step back and avoided him.

"Stop Fooling around. MOM will be here very early tomorrow! " Sha Zhixing pushed Luo Xichen's hand away when she thought of what she was going to do tomorrow.

Tomorrow was a very important day. All her relatives and friends would be there. She had also invited friends from all walks of life as well as some business partners.

Sha Zhixing was a little nervous at the thought of becoming Luo Xichen's bride in front of so many people.

She had to get up very early in the morning to put on her makeup. Wen Lan had even arranged for two makeup artists to accompany her.

Luo xichen tried several times to pull her back but failed. He stared at her for a long time with a bitter expression on his face and retracted his hand.

"Go to bed early! " Sha Zhixing leaned her body towards him when she saw that he had withdrawn his hand. She even patted his face gently, mimicking the way he used to tease her.

Luo Xichen's face immediately darkened when he saw that.

Sha Zhixing smiled, her eyes innocent and at a loss.

Luo Xichen's long arm suddenly hooked around her neck. He suddenly kissed her hard on the lips and bit her heavily as a punishment before he let go of her.

"See you tomorrow! " Luo Xichen turned around with a sour expression on his face and went to his room.

Sha Zhixing smiled and went into her room after he left.

It was already past midnight. Sha Zhixing had only slept for a few hours when an Xin woke her up at six in the morning.

An Xin brought a lot of things to her room. They were all very expensive jewelry. She put this on her and then changed them. It took a long time.

Actually, Sha Zhixing had all these things. Luo Xichen had given her a lot, Shi Qinuo had given her too. Wen Lan had even given her the family heirloom of the Luo family. However, seeing that an Xin was so eager, Sha Zhixing did not have the heart to hurt her.

Wen Lan, on the other hand, led the two make-up artists into the house and urged her to wear the necklace she had given her.

It was a very generous necklace. It was low-key, luxurious, and full of nobility. It was very impressive of the Luo family.

Wen Lan had asked her to wear this not to show how much money the Luo family had, but to show her status in the family in the future.

This necklace was passed down from generation to generation. Only the Young Madam of the Luo family was qualified to wear it.

An Xin did not expect Wen Lan to give this to Sha Zhixing long ago. She looked at it happily and very automatically packed up all her things.