Chapter 796 was a blatant provocation

Luo Xichen was amused by her expression. He pinched her red cheeks with his fingers and leaned back on the sofa in a good mood.

Then, he casually said, "these things are just seasoning between husband and wife. What does it matter? "

"I will go back to the company tomorrow! " Shazhi Xing could not be bothered with him. She pushed him aside and stood up to practice walking in the room.

She had a lot of things to do. Who would think about those things when they were free like him?

Luo Xichen turned his head and glanced at her, his expression still lazy.

He could just go back to the company and discuss these issues at night?

Luo Xichen's lips curled up at the thought... ...

The next day, Luo Xichen drove Sha Zhixing to work in a good mood early in the morning.

When they arrived at the company, he did not care about the number of people going in and out of the building. He carried Sha Zhixing out of the car and walked upstairs with her.

When they reached the elevator, they bumped into he simu.

"Good Morning! " He glanced at Luo Xichen and then slowly turned to Sha Zhixing, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Sha Zhixing was wearing a very casual long dress that reached her ankle. The wound was covered, and the gauze that had been bandaged on the outside had been removed. She looked no different from a normal person.

He simu stared at her for a long while and frowned slightly.

Is She fully recovered?

Sha Zhixing was quite embarrassed when Luo Xichen carried her all the way in. Now that she bumped into her, her red lips suddenly curled up when she thought of the story behind her admiration series.

She turned her head and wrapped her arms around Luo Xichen's neck, her voice sweet. "When I went out this morning, my mother asked me to ask you what you wanted for lunch. She said that she would have it sent over from home when it's ready. "

Her words sounded simple, but this sudden change in attitude... ...

Luo Xichen looked at her arms around his neck and lowered his gaze. Then, he looked at her smiling face and his thin lips curled up into a faint smile.

Was this girl brazenly announcing her relationship with him to other women?

Luo Xichen was pleased by her actions and felt much better. He even cooperated with her.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you like it, " he said with a smile on his face.

"Alright, I'll call her back when I get back to the office, " Sha Zhixing replied. She looked up at the floor number and pushed Luo Xichen away when they were about to arrive at the three-person office She walked out of the elevator.

He simu stood behind her and smiled as she looked at her staggering steps.

Just as she was about to leave the elevator, she suddenly asked, "what happened to Miss Sha's foot? "

Her voice sounded confused.

Sha Zhixing was slightly taken aback. She turned her head and looked at her, saying lightly, "it's nothing. It was just a small accident. "

"It's fine as long as it's not serious. " He simu smiled and walked past her to the office in front of her.

After a few steps, she slowed down her pace and looked at her from the corner of her eyes. She stared at her again and turned to leave without saying a word.

Without noticing her movements, Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen walked into their own office while chatting and laughing... ...