Chapter 798: The magnificent counterattack

After saying that, almost everyone turned to look at Sha Zhixing without her prompting.

France held an important position in the international fashion industry, and the French were also among the top consumers of luxury goods in the world. Opening up the French market was indeed very useful for entering Europe.

It was well known that Miss Sha had stayed in France for a long time, and she was quite famous in France. She must have a thorough understanding of the French market. If she really wanted to open up the French market, it would be best to send her there.

Luo Xichen also agreed with this, not to mention the others. He even looked at Sha Zhixing with some interest.

Sha Zhixing did not expect he simu to target her the moment she spoke. She glanced at the people around her who were staring at her, and smiled mockingly.

Go to France?

Expanding the market was not something that could be solved in a day or two, or even a month or two. If she could investigate the market there, she would definitely need to establish a branch office and manage the branch office.

This series of procedures would take at least a few years, right?

Luo Xichen's position was special, and every company needed him. It was impossible for him to stay in the same place as her.

Was this indirectly driving her away from Luo Xichen?

Not Knowing if her guess was correct, Sha Zhixing slowly raised her head and looked at he simu, who was sitting opposite her. She smiled at her, stood up, and expressed her opinion calmly.

"Miss He's suggestion is very good, but I personally think that if we want to expand the European market, we should stabilize the foundation of the original branch office! "

Her Red Lips curled up slightly. She glanced at Luo Rongci beside her and continued indifferently "As far as I know, the performance of some of Rong Xi's original branches in Europe has declined a lot since Rong Ci and grandfather returned, especially in Northern Ireland. Therefore, I think that the most important thing now is to maintain the original company and the customers. "

Pausing, her starry eyes locked onto he simu and she smiled lightly "As for expanding the French market, if there's really a need, I happen to have a very familiar friend in the jewelry industry over there. When the time comes, I can invite him to join Rong Xi and specifically be in charge of the matters in France. This person will definitely not disappoint everyone! "

She did not involve herself in what she said from the beginning to the end. It was obvious that she would not fall for he SIMU's tricks.

If you want to open up your French market, that's your business. It has nothing to do with her!

It was a very simple few words, but it was a gorgeous counterattack against he simu.

She was a little rebellious and did not like to be led around like this. Even if she wanted to separate from Luo Xichen, it would not be because of HE SIMU's words!

After that, the rest of the people in the meeting room gave Sha Zhixing a look of approval. Many people followed suit.

"Young Madam's words make a lot of sense. "

"Is the person young Madam mentioned Shi Qinuo? "

"If he can join Rong Xi, with his fame, Rong Xi's European market will open up as well. "

He Simu was stuck by Sha Zhixing and did not know how to respond for a moment. As she listened to the voices of approval around her, her gaze darkened, especially when she heard the voices of young Madam. No matter how hard she listened, it was ear-piercing.

Luo Rongci sat beside her, quietly observing her expression. His eyes darkened... ...