Chapter 822. This is my daughter's

She had come up with the idea and inspiration from herself. She had a panoramic view of the room in her mind, and slowly painted it bit by bit.

When Luo Xichen came up, he saw Sha Zhixing holding a brush and focusing on painting. The mottled sunlight fell quietly, adding a lot of color to the room.

She seemed to be very interested in this kind of thing. It felt like a child's graffiti, but the scene was very warm.

"Is this a room for children? " Luo Xichen asked as he looked at her with a smile.

Sha Zhixing paused. She looked up at her masterpiece, then at Luo Xichen. "Can't you see that this is more like a girl's room? "

Was this a contradiction?

Luo Xichen's lips twitched and he added, "a daughter's room would be fine. "

Sha Zhixing was speechless

Luo xichen smiled as he thought about what he had said. He walked over to Sha Zhixing and started to paint her room.

He had never done such a thing before, but his movements were very smooth and fast. He was on a completely different level from Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing glanced at him a few times before she looked at him again. Her Red Lips curled up as she looked at his calm movements.

The two of them painted together and it was much more efficient. Soon, one of the walls had been completed.

Then came the other parts of the house.

The effect of the final decoration was that the room was mainly white and light green. The windows on both sides were green, and the rest were white. The colors matched very well.

Sha Zhixing walked around the house and said, "We should put a sofa of the same color here and put a few potted plants. "

Luo Xichen listened quietly. After she finished, he suddenly said, "put some children's Toys and children's closets. "

Sha Zhixing was speechless, but she did not refute him.

They were already married. It was only a matter of time before the children were born. There was no harm in preparing the room earlier.

Luo xichen seemed to be more excited after mentioning everything related to the children. After painting one room, he grabbed Sha Zhixing's hand and went to decorate another room next to the master bedroom without waiting for Sha Zhixing's request.

This time, the decoration style of the room was completely different from the previous one. It was bright white with some masculine wallpaper. The whole room looked like it belonged to a man.

Sha Zhixing was a little disgusted by his design. In her opinion, if they were going to let the children live in the room, they should use a warmer color.

Why did they make the children's place so cool?

It was warm. How cute was the fresh blue How cute?

"Xichen, why don't we change the color? " Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and began to persuade him.

Luo Xichen knew what she was going to say without thinking. He glanced at her lazily and said in a casual tone, "a Blue Room with blue curtains and quilts? "

"How do you know? " Sha Zhixing smiled and was a little surprised by his words.

Luo Xichen snorted and looked disdainful.

What was she thinking Do I need to guess?

He suddenly felt a little sympathetic for their future child.

It would be fine if it was a daughter, but if it was a son, what would he look like after being tortured by her?