Chapter 824: The misled Miss Sha

Luo Xichen was very satisfied with his results. He stared at the room for a long time before he went downstairs with Sha Zhixing in his arms.

In the evening, Sha Zhixing suggested that the rest of the people from Jue ye come over for dinner. It was called a housewarming banquet.

In fact, she missed the cooking skills of Ken Nisi and the others.

The last time she came to jue Ye, she had tasted their barbecue. Sha Zhixing was very impressed with their cooking skills. It was obvious that they knew how to cook very well.

In her opinion, a man who knew how to cook was very handsome.

Ji Nanyou and Ken Nisi were called over by her first. They were quite happy when they came in, but after they entered, Sha Zhixing pushed them into the kitchen.

"I'll leave everyone's dinner to you! " Taking out a bunch of things from the refrigerator, Sha Zhixing smiled at the two of them.

Ji Nanyou and Ken Nisi looked at each other. Their faces turned green.

Was this the reason she called them over earlier?

"since when did you become a chef? " Ji Nanyou was extremely depressed. He ridiculed them, but he still turned around and took action.

Ken Nisi was silent.

Cooking was fine. Why did he have to be with a man?

Sha Zhixing stood on her tiptoes and came up to the two of them to take a look. She patted their shoulders lightly. "You two have such a tacit understanding. You definitely won't let everyone down today. "

Ken Nisi glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and said sympathetically, "Zhixing, you've been led astray by second young master. "

Sha Zhixing,"..."

Sha Zhixing was rendered speechless by him. After a few seconds of silence, she turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

"Do your best, I'll call the others. "

She suddenly stopped at the door, turned her head and added with a smile, "if you need Qing Yafeng, I can ask him to come too. "

Ji Nanyou touched his nose and waved at her. "If you want to go out, go out quickly. You'll be worried if second young master can't find you later. "

Qing Yafeng Is he playing NP?

Sha Zhixing smiled and turned to leave.

Luo Xichen was playing with a toy on the sofa when he came out.

He had always despised these things when he was young. However, he seemed to have found some fun after decorating a children's room today. He liked it very much.

"Am I letting down Ken Nisi and Nan you by doing this? " Sha Zhixing sat down on the Sofa next to him and began to reflect on herself.

"Why not use the resources if you have them? " Luo Xichen looked at her indifferently and said, "go ahead and enslave them. THEY WON'T MIND! "

Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and thought that this was the case. She took out her phone and continued to contact the others.

There were many people in the upper echelons of Jue ye alone. Besides Luo Xichen and the other six, Sha Zhixing had invited more than 30 people from the other upper echelons.

It would take some time to cook dinner for 30 people. Except for Ken Nisi and Ji Nanyou, who were happily called over, the rest of them were smart enough to wait until the dinner was ready before coming over.

Hence, there were only four people in a villa.

The two in the kitchen had been extremely busy, while the two on the Sofa had been extremely idle.

Sha Zhixing was a little better than Luo Xichen. She would occasionally go to the kitchen to take a look, but all she did was steal food and give a few comments while eating.

The corner of Ken Nisi's lips twitched as he watched.

Whose family did this wretched girl belong to?

Hurry up and pack it up and take it out!