Chapter 815: bargaining chips

Sha Zhixing's hands were holding the clothes on both sides of Luo Xichen's arms tightly, as if she had not recovered from what had just happened.

It would be a lie to say that she was not nervous at all after what had just happened. If she had not jumped out of the car decisively, she might have also rushed into the river with the car.

Luo Xichen's hands gently followed her back, comforting her again and again. When she had completely calmed down, his gaze turned to her.

"Are you hurt anywhere? "

He lifted her arm and looked her up and down. Luo Xichen's gaze was a little worried.

She had just recovered from her leg injury. Luo Xichen was afraid that he would add some new injuries to her.

"I'm fine. " Sha Zhixing stood up with his help. She dusted off the dust on her dress and shook her head lightly.

There were only a few superficial wounds on her arm and leg. They were not very serious.

The road was a little dark. The man did not know what kind of environment was ahead. It was not as smooth as the road outside. After Luo Xichen got off, his speed was also a little slower Therefore, Sha Zhixing's injuries after she jumped out of the car were not very serious.

Luo xichen checked her arm. It should be fine. He took her to the corner at the end of the road.

When they arrived, the few cars they had called were still at the intersection.

One of the men came up to him and asked him respectfully, "second young master, the car rushed down. There should be no chance of survival. What should we do now? "

Luo Xichen's eyes fell on the rippling lake. He thought for a moment and said slowly, "we'll leave in an hour. "

He turned around and left with Sha Zhixing.

The guests at the wedding had not left yet. Now that the bride and groom were gone, everyone at home must be worried.

After returning to the Luo family, Luo Xichen did not immediately bring Sha Zhixing to the seats. Instead, he brought her back to their bedroom.

He found the medicine box and carefully treated her external wounds. Thinking of what had happened just now, he asked calmly, "did that person say anything? "

Sha Zhixing shook her head lightly.

The man had not revealed his intention to take her away. She was very confused about his intentions.

If he wanted to hurt her, he could have done it in the time they had spent alone, or even in the Luo family. However, the man had not done it.

Luo Xichen was also thinking about this. Sha Zhixing had no enemies. If she was taken away today, he would blame it on himself or her identity as young Madam Luo.

If it was a kidnapping, he could use her as a bargaining chip to negotiate with him.

What Luo Xichen did not understand was how that person got in.

All the guests were registered when they came in today. Every guest had an invitation letter. Other than a few reporters from famous newspapers in the country, all of them were important people or their families.

Luo Xichen thought for a moment and called the person in charge of reception to bring up the list of all the guests.

Sha Zhixing sat next to him and watched with him.

There were a lot of people invited to the wedding today, more than a thousand of them. The list took up several pages, both in English and Chinese. Everyone's identity was recorded.

"Did you see the face of the person who attended the wedding with the Young Madam? " Luo Xichen turned a few pages and suddenly asked the receptionist.