Chapter 817 addiction to infatuation

When they arrived at the garden downstairs, the banquet had already been half-finished.

So many things had happened at a wedding, and Luo Xichen hadn't even had his lunch yet.

After going downstairs, Sha Zhixing accompanied him to settle the matter casually. In the afternoon, she continued to chat with the guests as if nothing had happened, and did not mention the incident at noon from the beginning to the end.

Although she herself did not think that it was very likely that she had caused the problem, she could not blame Luo Xichen.

He did not want anything to happen to her. Besides, what if it was done by a woman who was jealous of her marriage to him This had nothing to do with Luo Xichen.

Sha Zhixing's thoughts were pure speculations. There was no evidence. There were also a lot of women who were jealous of young Madam Luo's position. She had no way to guess.

Maybe it was a man who deliberately sabotaged her marriage to Luo Xichen because he did not want her to marry him!

Miss Sha thought very quickly.

There were many possible reasons for her to be suspicious.

She couldn't let her think that everyone in the world was suspicious just because something had happened to her?

Sha Zhixing was actually very optimistic. In her opinion, she was a Fox, and she would show her tail one day.

The wedding banquet was arranged for the whole day. There was also a dinner party and party in the evening, so no one left in the afternoon.

Luo Xichen was extra cautious after the incident in the afternoon. His eyes were always on Sha Zhixing, and he never looked away from her.

However, his eyes changed in the eyes of many guests.

How infatuated must one be to be able to follow the figure of the other party so closely?

Thus, many of the guests attending the wedding banquet today came to a conclusion... ... That second young Master Luo was very infatuated with this new young Madam Luo ...

Sha Zhixing spent the whole afternoon chatting with this and that person. She then chatted with that person and bumped into Shi Qinuo, who was sitting alone in the corner. She ran over happily to strike up a conversation with him.

"Qinuo, why didn't you tell me you were here? "

"Haven't you always been busy? " Shi Qinuo took two cocktails from the waiter's hand and handed one to her.

"No matter how busy I am, I can't ignore you! " Sha Zhixing joked with him with a smile.

She always talked to him like this, often making fun of each other.

After her words, Shi Qinuo's face darkened. He glanced at her with a strange look in his eyes.

Did he really think he was an old man?

He was only six or seven years older than her!

Sha Zhixing curved her lips into a smile and pretended not to see his eyes.

It was not the first or second time that Shi Qinuo was teased by her, so he could not really care about this kind of thing with her. He carefully glanced at the injury on her hand, frowned slightly, and asked with concern, "why are you injured again? "

"I just fell. " Sha Zhixing did not even mention the fact that she had been taken away, so she said it casually.

Shi Qinuo,"..."

He simu passed by the two of them and happened to hear these words. Her Red Lips curled up without a trace.

How could a girl who appeared out of nowhere not fall when she was sitting in such a high position as the young Madam of the Luo family?

Sha Zhixing raised her eyes and looked at her indifferently, quietly observing her reaction.

However, he SIMU's face did not show any expression. She did not even stay by the two of them and left directly, as if she was not interested in this topic at all.

This kind of reaction Made Sha Zhixing feel that she was being paranoid.

This matter should not have anything to do with her, right Otherwise, she would not be so indifferent... ...