Chapter 820-second honeymoon

Luo xichen looked refreshed when they walked out of their room. He would greet anyone he met in a good mood, but his smile was a little mischievous.

Sha Zhixing followed him downstairs and yawned as they walked, looking sleepy.

Wen Lan had not left yet. She had prepared lunch for the two of them as she had done for the past few days.

She glanced at Luo Xichen's face when she saw the two of them coming down, then slowly turned to Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing felt uncomfortable and stopped yawning. She smiled at her awkwardly and said, "morning, MOM! "

Wen Lan looked at the time on her phone and smiled. She did not refute her.

It was 12 o'clock in the afternoon. It was still late.

"Zhixing, come here. I made this specially for you today. Try It. " Wen Lan waved her hand and gestured to her. She took out a small bowl and served her soup.

"What's this? " Sha Zhixing walked to her side and looked at her hand.

"It's made with Chinese medicine. " Wen Lan smiled faintly and looked at her stomach. Suddenly, she said, "from now on, you should reduce your workload in Rong Xi. If you are not very busy with work, think about the child with Xi Chen. "

Sha Zhixing did not expect her to bring this up again. She held the soup that she had prepared and drank it with her head down, not saying a word.

Wen Lan did not know what she was thinking and turned her eyes to Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen was confused by her sudden look.

What does it have to do with him?

He had been working so hard for this goal of hers for the past few days. Maybe the seed had already been sown.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at Sha Zhixing's flat belly. He smiled and sat down beside her.

Wen Lan accompanied the two of them to lunch. She did not want to disturb their private time, so she left with the servants.

There were actually servants in the castle, but Luo Xichen did not like to let them stay here. They would only appear when the master needed them. The reason was that he was afraid that their time would be disturbed.

Wen Lan understood this too, so she did not stay long.

"Zhixing, should we go on our honeymoon again? " Luo Xichen Sat Down Lazily on the Sofa in the living room and pulled her over to sit beside him.

"What honeymoon? The Castle is Nice! " Sha Zhixing was very disdainful of his words.

The two of them had traveled together so many times before. The castle and the nightless environment were so nice. It was like a honeymoon every day. was there a need to travel so far away?

Luo Xichen was frustrated. He pressed the remote control on the TV channel and pressed her onto his body. He let her head rest on his lap and played with her long hair casually.

It was fine if he didn't want to go. In fact, as long as it was a world of two people, it didn't matter where he went.

Moreover, the incident at the wedding had reminded Luo Xichen that Sha Zhixing might have a hidden danger.

"Zhixing, shall we move to the nightless club? " Luo Xichen suddenly suggested.

Sha Zhixing glanced at him, puzzled.

"there are many people in the nightless club. We won't be bored in the future, " Luo Xichen explained casually.

The main reason he didn't say was that the safety measures were good!

The facilities in the dead of night were top-notch in the world, and those things would never be seen in a normal person's home.