Chapter 826 -- one against all

It was a very rough bark. She did not know what kind of dog it was, but its footsteps were hurried and disorderly.

Before she could see the situation clearly, a group of Tibetan mastiffs suddenly rushed towards her.

The Sudden Situation Made Sha Zhixing retreat step by step. She looked warily at the large group of creatures that had suddenly appeared in front of her.

There were many Tibetan mastiffs that had rushed out. Each and every one of them was staring at her fiercely as if they wanted to tear her apart. It was obvious that they acknowledged her as a stranger.

Sha Zhixing cried out in her heart. Being stared at so fiercely by so many Tibetan mastiffs, her nerves were a little tense. She took a few steps back and her gaze fell on her side, looking for a defensive weapon.

This group of Tibetan mastiffs was very aggressive towards strangers. It was obvious that they were not easy to deal with. She glanced at a willow branch next to her and secretly broke it in her hand.

At this moment, she suddenly wished that she could learn some self-defense techniques, like the female agent in a Chinese blockbuster. How handsome was she?

Sha Zhixing had mixed feelings as she imagined herself being attacked by a group of dogs.

She knew some basic defense skills. At the very least, it would be more convenient for her to escape if she encountered something like that at a wedding in the future... ...

Luo Xichen was a little far away from her. He stopped in his tracks when he heard the barking of the dogs. His eyes darkened as he ran towards her.

When he arrived, he saw a large group of Tibetan mastiffs pouncing on Sha Zhixing.

Luo Xichen's eyes flashed with coldness. He picked up a small pebble on the ground and was about to throw it. Sha Zhixing suddenly took a big step back, raised the willow branch in her hand, and swung it at the Tibetan mastiffs closest to her

She used a lot of strength and hit the Tibetan mastiff so hard that its skin was torn open. It lay on the ground and whimpered.

The other Tibetan mastiffs were provoked and attacked even more fiercely.

Sha Zhixing dodged left and right. The Willow branch in her hand was like a whip. It landed on one Tibetan mastiff after another with a "PA PA" . She swung it very nimbly.

Luo Xichen watched this scene without batting an eyelid. The corners of his lips slowly curved into a faint smile.

He raised his fingertips and flicked the small pebble in his hand. It hit the heads of the Tibetan mastiffs one by one. Luo Xichen took a willow leaf from the side and whistled for some reason The Tibetan mastiffs, who were so fierce before, suddenly became docile and ran to his side. They stretched out their heads and rubbed against his pants.

Sha Zhixing looked at the scene in shock, her eyes wide open.

The difference in treatment was too much?

Luo Xichen smiled and scanned her body. He did not find any wounds. He pulled her hand and walked towards the villa. "Let's go back! "

Sha Zhixing was not in the mood to continue wandering outside after such a terrible thing had happened. She followed behind him and headed towards the villa.

Luo Xichen walked past a certain building and left her there. He seemed to have gone to get something.

When they returned to the garden of the villa, Luo Xichen opened her palm and placed a small silver chain in her hand.

"take this and keep it safe in the future. "

It was a very thin silver chain. It was as thin as a bracelet, but it was very long. It was about two meters long.

Even so, it was only a little when it was shrunk into a pile.

"What is this? " Sha Zhixing raised the silver chain with a confused look on her face.

Luo Xichen did not explain. He wrapped his arms around her body from behind and wrapped his big hands around her hands, driving her to wave her arms up and down