Chapter 829, Zhixing, was a saboteur

Sha Zhixing stared at the time on the back of the drawing, her gaze slowly sinking.

He simu admired the series'stunning design. At that time, it was indeed because the work was stunning, but a large part of the reason it was able to last so long was due to the media's promotion of her work.

Legend had it that when she participated in the competition, this work only took one day to complete.

To design such a stunning work in one day, this was the main reason why she was so famous in the design world.

However, the sketches in Sha Zhixing's hands were from seven years ago, and the most recent one was three years ago... ...

It was obvious that she had thought of the admirer series a long time ago. She had improved a lot after that, and it was not the day she had told the media that she had reached such an amazing level step by step.

What did this mean?

He SIMU's words were not entirely believable!

Moreover, she had known Luo Xichen for a long time... ...

At the thought of this, Sha Zhixing fixed her gaze on the messy pile of drawings on the ground and slowly flipped through them again.

Some of the blueprints were sketches, and some were random comics.

One of the comics was about three people, a very beautiful boy and girl, and a girl who was standing under a tree looking at the two of them from afar.

The boy in the comic could not be seen, and his back was proud and aloof, giving off the feeling of Luo Xichen. Sha Zhixing could not understand who the two girls were.

After folding the paper, Sha Zhixing wanted to flip through a few more pages, but Luo Xichen's voice suddenly rang out, "what are you doing? "

Sha Zhixing was shocked by the sudden voice.

She looked up and saw Luo xichen standing by the door.

Sha Zhixing hid the drawing behind her in a panic. She calmed herself down and said, "I, I came to get the information. "

Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows, seriously doubting her words.

Sha Zhixing also looked down on her own actions, but she despised the fact that she had panicked after being caught by him.

It felt like a wife spying on a mistress behind her husband's back.

Luo Xichen walked towards her suspiciously and came to the table. He looked at the mess on the floor and frowned.

Then, he said slowly, "you're here to cause trouble? "

"I'M HERE TO GET MY REPORT CARD! " Sha Zhixing straightened her back and corrected him righteously.

The corner of Luo Xichen's lips twitched. He bent down and picked up a pile of papers on the floor. Without even looking at them, he stuffed them into the drawer that she had opened.

Sha Zhixing felt a little guilty when she saw him. She had just looked through someone else's things without permission. In fact, half of the reason was out of curiosity about the past between him and he simu.

"Let's go back! " Luo Xichen did not see her coming in the office. He helped her put the blueprints back to their original places and dragged her out of the room.

He did not let her go in when they passed by her office. Instead, he took her to his office.

"What's wrong? " Sha Zhixing stood in the middle of the room, looking confused.

Luo Xichen looked at her sideways and was silent for a moment. He said, "Dad just arranged a business trip. He needs to go to another city for a few days. "

"Then let's go. " Sha Zhixing said nonchalantly.

Luo Xichen's face darkened after hearing her words.

She sounded like she was looking forward to his departure?