Chapter 833"I, Rong Xi, make the decision! "!

Luo Xichen left after that. He only brought an assistant with him. Sha Zhixing did not go with him.

The city he went to was t city. The two of them had stayed in a branch there for a long time. They had gone there for about half a month.

Before they left, the two of them made an appointment. During his stay in C city, Sha Zhixing would go there every few days.

After Luo Xichen left, Wen lan called Sha Zhixing back to the Luo family. The reason was that her grandfather missed her and there were many people at home. It was lively and they could take care of her at the same time.

Sha Zhixing thought the same thing and agreed.

After sending Luo Xichen off the next day, she drove to Rong Xi's building.

She bumped into he simu on the way upstairs. When she saw her, Sha Zhixing naturally thought of the blueprints she saw yesterday. She was very confused, but she looked as if nothing had happened.

"Good Morning. " She greeted her and went to the floor where she worked. Then, she turned around and went to her office.

He simu looked at her back quietly and sneered.

She had only married into the family for a few days, and she was already in and out by herself?

The corners of her lips curled into a mocking smile. She turned around and headed for her office.

After entering the office, she sat down in front of her desk. She wanted to take out some documents to work, but she realized that one of the drawers was not locked.

She quietly stared at that drawer. He simu's expression changed, and she pulled the drawer open.

There was a stack of blueprints inside. Compared to the NEAT ones from before, hers looked a little messy now.

He simu frowned slightly. She took out the thick stack of paper and casually flipped through it a few times. However, she realized that the sequence was completely... ... Messy ...

She had put it in the drawer according to the date, but this one was obviously stacked randomly... ...

Someone had touched this drawer!

He simu's eyes darkened. She pressed the phone with her red-coated finger and dialed the assistant's number.

"Did anyone enter my office yesterday? "

"Young Madam and second young master came in, " the assistant answered respectfully.

He simu frowned even more after that.

Luo Xichen came in too?

Then, he and Sha Zhixing... ... Had seen the blueprints in the drawer ? ?

Sha Zhixing came to her office and looked at the time. It was still early for her to go to work. She took out a watering can and sprayed water on the potted plants in her room before she went to Luo Xichen's office.

Luo Xichen's office was very big and there were a lot of potted plants in it. She had helped him choose most of the potted plants according to her preferences.

Luo Xichen did not care about this. As long as she was happy, nothing else mattered.

Sha Zhixing came to his room and carefully sprinkled the water on the pots of plants. She then went to her room and took a bunch of fresh flowers and placed them on his desk.

Everything was arranged as if he was still there.

She looked at it and felt satisfied. Then, she turned and left.

On her way out, she bumped into he Simu, who was carrying a large pile of documents.

He simu looked past her and glanced at the well-tidied room. She thought of the drawer and her eyes fell on her face, observing her expression.

"What's the matter? " Sha Zhixing asked suspiciously when she saw that she was only staring at her and not saying anything.

"I have something to talk to young master Luo about. " He Simu came back to her senses after she said that. She hugged the stack of documents in her hands and was about to walk into the room.

"He's not here these few days. It's the same if you have anything to say to me! " Sha Zhixing raised her eyebrows and stopped her.