Chapter 841, Luo Xichen... ...

Sha Zhixing's already drowsy mind became even more confused.

Luo Xichen... ...

Shi Qinuo's dark eyes quietly fell on her face. He scanned her eyes inch by inch. His body was suffocating, but he did not do anything to her.

"Zhixing, tell me, who am I? " Shi Qinuo asked in a hoarse voice as he hugged her with both arms, allowing her body to lean against his.

Sha Zhixing's body seemed to be burning with a ball of fire. She suppressed it and swelled up, but she could not find an outlet to vent it out.

This feeling made her feel very uncomfortable, confused, and panicked. She leaned against Shi Qinuo's chest and suddenly started to sob softly.

Her voice was very soft, like a small animal that had just been wronged. Her eyes were red as she vented her anger and continued to pull on his clothes.

Shi Qinuo's heart tightened after hearing her cry. He knew very well that the problem at hand needed to be solved faster, but... ... What would happen after the problem was solved ? ?

He lowered his eyes and looked quietly at her in his arms. He asked in a hoarse voice again, "Zhixing, do you know who I am? "

"Xi Chen... Luo Xichen... " Sha Zhixing put her arms around his neck and raised her head slowly. She was still crying quietly at first, but when she mentioned his name, her tears were like a flood that could not be stopped ...

Shi Qinuo's heart turned cold after she said that. He looked at her tear-stained face and closed his eyes weakly.

After a few minutes, his eyelids opened again. It was as if he had experienced a century of struggle. He pushed her into the passenger seat, pulled her seatbelt, and started the car, heading towards a certain direction in the city.

All the scenes were captured by a camera not far away.

Shi Qinuo was driving very fast. He had never been drugged before and had only heard of it. He did not know how long it would take for the drug to take effect and how long it would last.

However, he knew very well that if he did not save her now, her life would be in danger.

Sha Zhixing seemed to be in a bad condition. Even with her seatbelt on, she was still restless, but she was a little weak.

Shi Qinuo turned to look at her and asked gently, "do you want to look for Luo Xichen? "

After he said that, he suddenly smiled mockingly.

Had He gone crazy with her?

Where was Luo Xichen now It would take a few hours from C city to t city. would she be able to hold on for that long if he drove her there?

Shi Qinuo turned his head and looked around. He drove her to a nearby hospital.

After they arrived, Sha Zhixing was sent to the ward.

Shi Qinuo stayed with her outside the door. He took out his phone and wanted to call Luo Xichen, but... ... wouldn't it be a waste of money to tell him about this ? ?

Would he believe them again?

It didn't matter if Shi Qinuo was misunderstood, but Sha Zhixing couldn't. Now that they were married, if they didn't deal with it properly, it might become a rift in their relationship.

Shi Qinuo thought about it and decided not to say anything.

There was no need to tell him everything. As long as Sha Zhixing was fine, the matter would be over.

Sha Zhixing had been in a coma for a long time after entering the hospital for treatment. When she woke up, it was already a few hours later.

Shi Qinuo sat by the bed, his gaze quietly falling on her. There was worry and anxiety in his eyes when he looked at her, but there was a hint of gentleness mixed within... ...