Chapter 843: a little separation is better than a new marriage

"I have something to do in the design department tomorrow. I can't do it, " Sha Zhixing rejected him without thinking.

Luo Xichen was upset.

Sha Zhixing knew the look on Luo Xichen's face without thinking. She smiled and comforted him like a child, "take advantage of these few days to take care of things over there. I'll be there in a few days. I'll be there soon. "

She did not care whether he was happy or not. She hung up the phone and went downstairs.

Luo Xichen Sat on the Sofa with his hand still holding the phone. He listened to the short line and did not come back to his senses until the phone hung up.

Was he fooled by this girl again?

Luo Xichen was right. Sha Zhixing was indeed fooling him. And this fooling lasted for a long time.

It was more than ten days later when he finally went to t city.

Luo Xichen only needed to stay there for half a month. It was almost time for him to go back when she arrived.

Luo Xichen felt like he was being played by her.

However, when he drove to pick her up and saw her face, he felt a lot better.

Luo Xichen parked the car beside her and rolled down the window. He looked at her outside and Sha Zhixing walked to the passenger seat and sat in the car.

Before she could sit properly, Luo xichen's slender arms suddenly pulled her into his arms and pressed her head against his chest. He leaned over and kissed her lips eagerly... ...

It had been more than ten days since they last met, and his movements were especially intense. He refused to let go of her after hugging her.

Sha Zhixing actually missed him too. Now that he was hugging her, she could feel his body temperature and the faint coldness on his body. She did not push him away, nor did she care about the surrounding environment. She half-propped herself up and slowly responded to him.

As the saying goes, "it's better to be apart than to be married. " This was probably how the two of them felt right now.

They hugged each other, their bodies pressed together. They kissed passionately in the car for a long time before Luo Xichen let go of her. Before he let go of her arm, he kissed her smooth forehead a few more times before he let her sit back down in her seat.

Sha Zhixing's face was still red, and her red lips were even redder from his kiss. She looked like a blooming flower.

Luo Xichen looked at her and his eyes darkened. He could not help but turn his head and put his arm around her neck to give her another deep kiss.

"drive, let's leave first! " Sha Zhixing reminded him as she gently hit his arm.

Luo Xichen reluctantly looked away from her. He raised his wrist, looked at the time on his watch, and looked around.

It was already lunchtime. Sha Zhixing had only just arrived in the car. She was so hungry that he felt sorry for her.

The two of them had a lot of memories in the city. Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen were actually quite familiar with each other. Luo Xichen drove her slowly around the streets and finally took her to a gourmet city.

Sha Zhixing liked this kind of place. There were many kinds of food in the world and all over the country.

Luo xichen ordered a lot of food for her. He did not eat it immediately after the food was served. Instead, he watched her eat and served her occasionally.

Sha Zhixing chatted with him about the company, the design department, the higher-ups, and even the family matters. She even confessed a few times that she had taken his place in Rong Xi.

Luo Xichen smiled and replied indifferently, "as long as you're happy. "