Chapter 849 the big shot has arrived

The two of them returned to c city three days later.

After they returned, the two of them threw themselves into Rong Xi's new jewelry launch.

Rong Xi would launch a series of new products every three months, and the preparatory work would take a long time. There were a lot of things to be busy with, such as design, screening, valuation, and Market Research.

Shi Qinuo officially joined Rong Xi after Sha Zhixing and Luo xichen returned to C city. His working hours were relatively free, and he did not need to stay in the office. He only visited the office occasionally when the company needed him, or when he wanted to go.

The Shi family was not short of money. Whether it was in France or China, they came from a prestigious family. They only agreed to Sha Zhixing's request as a favor.

A few days before Shi Qinuo joined Rong Xi, he would sit in Sha Zhixing's office or the design department from time to time. The sudden arrival of such a famous person made the design department feel a little flattered They looked at him as if their eyes were about to shine.

Shi Qinuo sat there quietly and did not speak to the people inside. His gaze would occasionally sweep over a group of people. His gaze was a little cold and a little inquisitive, as if he wanted to read something from the eyes of the Group of people.

He simu watched his actions without batting an eyelid and frowned slightly.

What did his gaze mean?

Shi Qinuo's gaze passed through the rest of the people in the large office and finally turned to her face in the room. His Gaze met hers. One was slightly stunned, while the other had a cold expression.

Shi Qinuo looked at her without batting an eyelid and carefully read her gaze. His eyes narrowed slightly.

He did not know who exactly was involved in the incident with Sha Zhixing last time. However, the people in the restaurant definitely would not drug someone for no reason. He thought about it for a long time and felt that the problem should be the people in her circle.

Sha Zhixing's lifestyle was very simple. It was nothing more than her family and the company. It was unlikely that her family was at home, so it was very likely that the reason was at the company.

She didn't interact much with the people in the other departments of the company. She often interacted with the design department or the other higher-ups of the company, or the assistants who often took care of her trivial matters.

Shi Qinuo thought about it and felt that the assistants and the design department were the most likely.

However, these were all guesses without any evidence.

Rong Xi didn't install surveillance cameras in the working environment. Her business model was more Westernized and would give employees a certain degree of privacy. All the surveillance cameras were only installed in the corridors, elevators, or storage rooms for important things.

However, these places would not be of any help to Sha Zhixing.

Shi Qinuo also did not tell Sha Zhixing about this. She herself did not know that such a thing had happened before, so it was definitely impossible to ask her about it.

He himself did not suspect that the problem was when the two of them were in the restaurant. Even if it was possible, that part of the road was too quiet. There were no surveillance cameras outside, and he did not know if there were surveillance cameras in the store. Even if there were, someone really did it on purpose.. Who would do such a thing in front of the cameras?

Moreover, it had already been so many days. Even if it was recorded, the contents of the hard drive of the surveillance camera had long been automatically covered.

Shi Qinuo had a headache. The most troublesome thing was that Rong Xi was not his territory, so he could not interfere in the dark.

He simu and he simu looked at each other quietly for a long time. They snorted lightly and their red lips curled slightly.

She did not have the confidence to stop everyone from investigating. She would not do that!