Chapter 851: Creative advertisement for the Luo couple

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses and her eyes lit up. "You want to help me? "

Luo Xichen did not answer her question directly. He only gestured to the seat next to him.

Sha Zhixing understood what he meant. She held her documents and sat down beside him happily.

Luo Xichen did not say yes or no directly. Instead, he took the design of the advertisement in her hand and pointed at one of the paragraphs "We should add a female companion when we appear here. We should also add a female companion when we arrive at the banquet. The lights should be a little dim. It would be best if a man and a woman look at each other when the jewelry is displayed. "

His tone was serious as he pointed out a few points to her, almost completely subverting her advertisement design.

Sha Zhixing seemed to be listening attentively and would nod in agreement from time to time. After he finished speaking, she looked at him and suddenly said, "how about we change the last scene to the one where the woman falls for the man? "

Luo Xichen glanced at her lazily and nodded without blushing. "That's not a bad idea. "

The corner of Sha Zhixing's lips twitched slightly, and she poked his abdomen with her elbow. "I'M TALKING ABOUT SERIOUS BUSINESS! "

And a woman? Did he take the advertisement as a show of affection?

"I'm also talking about serious business. " Luo xichen rubbed his abdomen with a serious expression on his face.

Sha Zhixing was speechless. She took the design blueprint and continued to modify it.

In fact, when she thought about it carefully, the things Luo Xichen corrected for her were quite good. It seemed to accentuate the charm of jewelry and men wearing jewelry.

Combining the thoughts of both of them, Sha Zhixing finalized the final advertisement. There was still only one person walking in the castle. After arriving at the banquet venue, the plot turned into a scene of an encounter The final shot was a man and a woman looking back at each other tacitly, revealing the jewelry in their hands at the same time.

The name of the advertisement was very beautiful. It was called "beauty at a glance" , and explained the charm of jewelry directly through the advertisement.

Beauty at a glance was not only the description of the plot in the advertisement, but also indirectly promoted the series of jewelry.

Sha Zhixing revised the final design and showed it to Luo Xichen. Luo Xichen had always been picky. When he saw the advertisement, it was rare that he was not critical of it.

So, this advertisement was finalized in the end.

Sha Zhixing then continued to encourage Luo Xichen to be the model of this advertisement. Luo Xichen was very disdainful of her words, mainly because he did not want to be exposed to the media so frequently.

Which of Rong Xi's advertisements did not become famous in one go?

He did not need fame, he just needed to keep a low profile.

Sha Zhixing was a little sad. He was the inspiration for her advertisement. If he did not do it, unless it was Shi Qinuo, it would be difficult to find such a suitable person.

"For the sake of Rong Xi's performance, aren't you going to consider it? " Sha Zhixing smiled and moved closer to Luo Xichen. Sha Zhixing tried to persuade him again.

Luo Xichen's face darkened immediately after she said that.

Was she asking him to sell his face for the sake of Rong Xi's performance?

Luo Xichen's expression was a little twisted. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes and said expressionlessly, "I don't rely on my face to make a living! "

Sha Zhixing pursed her lips and stared at him for a long time. Seeing that he did not react at all, she took the ad and sat aside with a sour expression on her face.

In her opinion, it would be a waste if she did not find a perfect person to shoot such a perfect ad.