Chapter 846: Playing with him

Luo Xichen stood behind her and looked at her silhouette quietly, the corners of his lips curling up.

Sha Zhixing put everything in order and poured a glass of wine for the two of them. She pulled out a chair and sat down. She looked at Luo Xichen and raised the glass in her hand.

Luo Xichen smiled and clinked glasses with her.

Sha Zhixing held her own glass. Her slender white fingers reflected the wine-red liquid. The Red and white contrast made her look particularly beautiful.

Luo Xichen looked sideways and his gaze fell involuntarily on her hand holding the glass.

Sha Zhixing did not notice his gaze. She lifted her chin and put the wine in her glass into her mouth.

She was born in a family like the Sha family. She had been well-behaved since she was young. It was just a matter of whether she wanted to show it or not.

Now, when she made such a move, her movements were indescribably elegant and even a little seductive.

Luo Xichen's eyes were fixed on her. He watched as the wine-red liquid was put into her lips and looked at her slender neck. His throat suddenly felt dry.

Sha Zhixing saw his reaction from the corner of her eyes. Her hands stopped moving, and she almost choked on the wine that she had drunk.

Luo Xichen's eyes were dark and gloomy. He felt like a person who was hungry, and his eyes were still fixed on her.

Sha Zhixing's face turned hot under his gaze.

She had just done those things in the afternoon. Why was he looking at her like that again?

"LET'S EAT! " Sha Zhixing put the wine glass in her hand aside and reminded him. She tried to call his attention back, but Luo Xichen suddenly pulled her into his arms. He leaned against her back against the stiff edge of the table, and his thin lips moved closer to her again.

"ouch... " Sha Zhixing's back was hurting from being pressed against the table. She turned her face to the side to avoid Luo Xichen's action, but Luo Xichen grabbed her shoulder and kissed her on the lips.

He was still in a hurry. His hand even touched the hem of her dress. He wanted to pull her clothes off, but Sha Zhixing slipped out of his arms and avoided his action.

Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows and looked at her coldly. He was extremely dissatisfied with her behavior.

Sha Zhixing completely ignored his gaze and pushed his plate in front of him. "Let's eat first! "

Luo xichen glanced at the food on his plate and said Lazily, "shall we continue after we finish eating? "

"WE'LL TALK AFTER WE FINISH! " Sha Zhixing had her own way of dealing with him now. When she really did not know how to answer him, the delaying policy was not wrong.

Luo Xichen looked at the time on his wrist. It was still early. It was only past six o'clock. There was no hurry.

Anyway, she was here with him for the next two days. He had plenty of time to play with her.

He did not say much. He picked up his cutlery and began to eat casually.

He ate very slowly, elegantly and beautifully. If he was not in a hurry, he would have finished his meal in about an hour.

It was already past seven when the two of them finished their meal.

Ignoring the cutlery on the table, Luo xichen carried Sha Zhixing and was about to go upstairs.

Just as they reached the stairs, her voice suddenly sounded. "Xichen, shall we go to the beach tonight? "

Luo Xichen was about to go upstairs when he stopped. He lowered his head and looked at her face coldly.

Sha Zhixing looked at him with her bright eyes. She seemed to be looking forward to it.

Luo Xichen's face immediately darkened under her gaze.

Was She playing with him?