Chapter 862: Take it easy

Luo Xichen looked up and gave her a lazy glance. He stood up, walked to the window and closed the curtains.

He returned to her side and tried to lift Sha Zhixing's skirt again. However, he was held down by Sha Zhixing's wrist.

Luo Xichen frowned and tried to push Sha Zhixing's hand away. However, Sha Zhixing stubbornly pried his hand away.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and helped her tidy up her skirt. He then placed his hand on Sha Zhixing's belly through the fabric of her clothes.

He just wanted to see how her belly looked after she got pregnant. This was their first child. He wanted to put everything that happened during her pregnancy into his mind.

He was curious as he watched her belly grow from flat to bulging, accompanied by the prenatal checkup, and felt the changes in her little life day by day.

Luo Xichen had never thought that he would be interested in these things. However, after he found out that Sha Zhixing had a baby, his thoughts became natural. He would even look forward to the baby's arrival when he first heard the news.

The corners of Luo Xichen's lips curled up at the thought of this.

Sha Zhixing observed him without batting an eyelid. She looked at the corner of his lips that had curled up for the umpteenth time that night and could not help but mock him. "silly. "

Luo Xichen glanced at her expressionlessly. The smile on his face disappeared as he patted her head with his hand and walked towards the bathroom.

Sha Zhixing wanted to find a book to read while Luo Xichen was taking a shower. However, before she could do anything, there was a knock on the door.

"Zhixing, are you asleep? " Wen Lan asked

Sha Zhixing put the book aside, walked to the door and opened it.

Wen Lan was holding a tray with two cups of milk in it. She smiled and said, "this is for you and Xichen. Drink it before you go to sleep. "

"thank you, mom. " Sha Zhixing smiled and took the tray from her hands. She turned around and put it in the room.

Wen Lan stood at the door. She did not leave immediately. Instead, she looked in the direction of the bathroom.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped at this time. Luo Xichen came out of the bathroom a minute or two later, wearing a bath bubble. He was wiping his hair as he walked.

He was stunned when he saw her, his face full of confusion.

Wen Lan gave him a look, indicating for him to come over.

Luo Xichen looked puzzled, but he still walked towards her.

Sha Zhixing stood not far from the two of them, drinking a glass of milk carelessly. She was quietly observing Wen lan's reaction.

What's going on Is there a secret between the mother and son?

Wen Lan passed Luo Xichen to Luo Xichen and looked in Sha Zhixing's direction. She whispered, "Zhixing, it's only been a month. The first three months of a woman's pregnancy are dangerous. "

Luo Xichen paused and suddenly said, "take it easy at night! "


Sha Zhixing choked a little and spat out a little of the milk that she had drunk.

Luo Xichen's expression was a little twisted after Wen lan's words.

It was fake for her to come up with something, but she had to remind him that it was true?

"Did you hear that? " Wen Lan's tone turned serious when she saw that he did not say anything.

This was a very serious matter. Both of them were young people. Wen Lan did not know if Sha Zhixing understood this. She was worried that Luo xichen would hurt the baby in his belly.

Wen Lan had waited so long for a grandson, and she was very precious to him.