Chapter 871: difficult choices

Shi Qinuo was sitting in the car, and their eyes met in the air through the car window. They looked at each other. One of their eyes was full of heartache, while the other had a blank expression.

Slowly opening the car door, Shi Qinuo got out of the car and walked to her side step by step.

"about the news. " Sha Zhixing took a deep breath, and her eyelashes trembled as if she was suppressing some kind of emotion. "What's going on? "

She didn't have any memory of the drugging incident. Although all the photos she took were of her side profile, would she not be able to recognize whether it was her or not?

Furthermore, there were words on the side. Now, everyone in c city knew what she had done!

Sha Zhixing's mind was empty. She did not know when the picture was taken. She did not even have the slightest memory of having done such a thing.

She only wanted to know what had happened.

Shi Qinuo did not want to tell her before because he did not want her to feel awkward when facing him in the future. At that time, he did not expect such a situation to happen. However, now that things had developed to this point, it was impossible for him not to tell her.

"A month ago, you were drugged on the day you asked me out. I don't know who filmed what happened in the car, " Shi Qinuo said slowly after taking a deep breath.

Sha Zhixing's clear eyes darkened after his words. She turned to him stiffly and said in a hoarse voice, "master, we... "

Shi Qinuo fell silent after her words.

He knew what she wanted to ask... ...

Sha Zhixing's heart turned cold after his silence. She frowned and her eyes gradually became misty.

Shi Qinuo was hesitating. He didn't know if Luo Xichen could trust her wholeheartedly after such a big thing had happened.

He didn't know what kind of life she would lead if she continued to stay in the Luo family.

Shi Qinuo struggled for a while and even hesitated whether he should lie.

Would she stay if he told her that they had sex?

Shi Qinuo was sure that he would treat her as well as Luo Xichen did.

However... ...

Shi Qinuo's eyes fell on her stomach, which still showed no signs of growth. He closed his eyes and looked into her eyes. He smiled and said, "you think too much. "

His tone was a little weak, and his smile was a little bitter. However, the indirect denial made Sha Zhixing let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the worst thing did not happen.

Shi Qinuo's eyes dimmed under her relieved expression. He was silent for a few seconds. He wanted to ask her about what happened that day, but Sha Zhixing suddenly turned around and went to her car.

"Zhixing, where are you going? " Shi Qinuo was worried about her and asked with concern.

However, Sha Zhixing didn't know whether she heard it or not, but she turned the car around and drove away like the wind.

Shi Qinuo didn't know where she was going, and the situation was so serious this time. He was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear the blow. As soon as her car left, he immediately chased after her.

However, when he rushed out, Sha Zhixing was already gone.

Shi Qinuo suddenly felt nervous.

She was now a pregnant woman. How could a pregnant woman drive so fast?

She looked around and dialed Sha Zhixing's cell phone. However, the call was cut off automatically.

Shi Qinuo was helpless. He randomly chose a road and started to search in the city.