Chapter 893: Return to the basics

"It's time to treat your eyes. " Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at Luo Xichen and walked to the kitchen.

Luo Xichen was very considerate this time. He was worried that the water would be cold in the morning. Just as she was about to wash the vegetables under the tap, he pushed her hand away and picked the leaves to wash them.

Sha Zhixing stood beside him and looked at him quietly.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at her. A drop of water suddenly shot towards her.

Sha Zhixing stretched out her arm to block it, but it was in the wrong place, right in the middle of her neck.

The cold drop of water splashed onto her warm skin, causing her to cower a little. Her eyebrows furrowed into a line.

Luo Xichen looked at her casually, his arms crossed in front of his chest. He seemed to be in a good mood.

Sha Zhixing lowered her arms that covered her vision and looked at him from the corner of her eyes. She was unhappy with his expression. Under Luo Xichen's stunned gaze, she suddenly threw a hand towards him.

She was much more ruthless than Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen could not help but twitch his lips. He turned to the side and quickly avoided Sha Zhixing. He held her in his arms.

"I didn't bring any clothes with me yesterday. Will you help me wash them if they get wet? " Luo Xichen asked as he put his arms around her waist and rested his Chin on her shoulder.

"PREPARE BREAKFAST! " Sha Zhixing kicked him lightly with the tip of her foot. She pried open his fingers and pulled them out of his arms.

Luo Xichen rubbed his nose. He washed the dishes and rolled up his sleeves. He then fried them in a majestic manner... ... A plate of vegetables ...

Just as the two of them were about to have breakfast, Wen lan called. She was telling Sha Zhixing what she should not eat and what kind of food she should eat more.

The Luo family had brought a lot of things with them when they sent her up. They were all nourishing. Wen Lan was worried that she might not have enough nutrients, so she did not forget to ask about the baby after she was done with her advice.

She finally ended the call and was about to start eating breakfast when an Xin called again. After that, it was the old man and Luo Xichen's father.

The two families took turns to call, one after the other.

Luo Xichen had finally calmed down a little, but his breakfast was interrupted again and again. When the old man called again, he took their phones and turned them off at the same time.

"We'll be worried if we can't get in touch with our family. " Sha Zhixing wanted to turn her phone back on, but Luo Xichen pressed down on her wrist.

He looked at her leisurely and said in a flat voice, "what are they worried about when I'm here? "

Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and agreed with him. At least she was safe while he was here. He was much more careful than before. Sometimes, she didn't notice things, but he did.

Both of them turned off their phones and cut off all sources of contact with the outside world. The feeling was very natural.

A lot of things had been prepared in the villa. The ingredients were not a problem. There were some in the fridge, some in the mountains, and some in the wild. There was no shortage of meat.

Luo Xichen did not bring any clothes when he came, but he had prepared Luo Enqi. The father and son were about the same height, so they could barely fit into the clothes.

Luo Xichen actually enjoyed himself here. It was relaxing and comfortable. It felt like a vacation.

The only regret was that their child had not been born yet. Luo Xichen felt that it would be better if there was a two or three-year-old family of three who occasionally came to such a place to play.