Chapter 905 daughters are the oldest

Unaware that she was being betted on, Sha Zhixing sneezed and went upstairs to see Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen was decorating the baby's room.

He had decorated the two baby's rooms in the villa with his own hands. Every time they came, they would add some things. Now, they were almost fully formed.

Luo xichen preferred the girl's room. He spent more time in that room and bought a lot of baby clothes for the girls today.

He completely ignored the boy's room next door.

In his own words, why would a man's room be so flashy It was simple and generous enough.

As for his sexism towards the child, he did not mention a word about it.

Sha Zhixing stood outside the door and looked at Luo Xichen's focused expression. She touched her belly sympathetically.

How pitiful. She was despised by her own father before she was even born.

She was a little speechless, but Sha Zhixing did not say anything.

Luo Xichen's discrimination was only relative to girls. She did not believe that he would not like the baby if it was a boy!

He was more nervous than her ever since he knew that he had a baby.

"Alright. " Luo Xichen tidied up everything, looked at the furnishings, and walked to the door.

"Do you want to stay in the dead of night for a while before going back? " Luo Xichen asked with a smile as he put one hand on the door beside her, considering that she had not come out for a few days.

The image of Qing Yafeng in the shopping mall flashed across Sha Zhixing's mind. Her eyes lit up as she held his hand and walked downstairs. "Let's go to Qing Yafeng's place. "

She walked a little fast and seemed to be a little proactive.

The corner of Luo Xichen's lips twitched. He grabbed her wrist as he walked down the stairs.

"Zhixing, Yafeng won't be back so soon. "

"You knew? " Sha Zhixing looked up at him with her bright eyes and asked leisurely.

Luo xichen coughed lightly. He did not want to tell her that, based on his man's intuition, Qing Yafeng might not come back tonight.

That scene looked like it was going to be a spring breeze.

However, Luo Xichen could not tell Sha Zhixing that. He might make her think that he was experienced.

After some consideration, he said, "you must be going somewhere with that outfit. "

Sha Zhixing thought about it and felt that what he said made sense, so she let it go.

In fact, she was just curious. After all, all of Jue ye was family. She was not guilty of Gossiping About Family Matters.

Sha Zhixing had given her a good reason.

"Let's go out for a walk. " Luo Xichen took her out of the villa, put her hand in his arm, and walked side by side with her in jue Ye's big garden.

When the two of them came out, the crowd outside was still very excited about the bet, and more and more people were surrounding them. The "boys" and "girls" were betting loudly.

Hai Yue put one hand on Mo Yichen's shoulder, and the other on Ji Nanyou's shoulder. She also joined the game while holding Ji Nanyou in her arms. A slender figure was sandwiched between the two men, and the scene did not look harmonious no matter how one looked at it.

"What are you playing? " Sha Zhixing leaned her head over, wanting to take a look too. The lively scene quieted down after her words.

"Ha... ha... girl... " Ji Nanyou tugged at the corner of his lips and smiled. He held Hai Yue in his arms and was about to leave.

"Boy! " Hai Yue corrected his words and left with him.