Chapter 912: lightning-treading Professional

Just when Sha Zhixing thought that she would stand up and fight back, Hai Yue puffed out her chest and flirtatiously flicked her beautiful short hair. She looked at him with disdain.

One move made Sha Zhixing laugh. Her eyes fell on their faces calmly.

Shi Qinuo crossed his arms in front of his chest. His gaze lingered on her flat chest for a few seconds. The corners of his lips twitched slightly. Then, he said again, "tomboy. "

Hai Yue's action of holding the small fork paused, and she was so angry that she wanted to cover his face with the cake.

Sha Zhixing looked at Shi Qinuo with all kinds of strange adoration in her eyes.

She was a professional!

Shi Qinuo completely ignored the lightning-like gaze that fell on him, and he held a small portion of dessert and ate it elegantly.

He had met Hai Yue several times in the past, but he had never treated her as a woman. In Shi Qinuo's opinion, even if she was a woman, her sexual orientation might be problematic.

That was why he couldn't stand the sight of her and Sha Zhixing always putting their arms around each other's shoulders.

Who knew if they were both men and women?

"Hai Yue, this is what you like. " Sha Zhixing was extremely amused by Hai Yue and passed a dessert to her in a good mood.

"thank you. " The Red Lips lazily spat out two words. Hai Yue placed one hand on Sha Zhixing's shoulder and leaned her body against hers.

One action was clearly to provoke Shi Qinuo.

Shi Qinuo's cold face slightly changed color.

Hai Yue was somewhat proud.

Tomboy was better than him. At least she could casually put her arms around Sha Zhixing's shoulders, but he couldn't do anything. If he got too close, he might be in the headlines again tomorrow.

Shi Qinuo stared at her for a long time. He closed his eyes slightly and pulled Sha Zhixing over to sit between the two of them. He lowered his head and continued to taste the snacks.

Hai Yue was unhappy with his behavior. She grabbed Sha Zhixing's other hand and wanted to pull her back to her side. However, Shi Qinuo's cold eyes drifted towards her, and she forcefully retracted her hand.

Sha Zhixing looked at this and then looked at that. She was in a good mood.

Both of them were acting a little strange today!

In the office.

He simu helped Luo Xichen wipe his clothes for a while. When she saw that Luo Xichen did not look too good, she apologized again in embarrassment. "sorry, why don't you take off your clothes first and I'll help you wash them? "

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths to hold back his anger.

He hated the feeling of being wet and sticky.

He turned around and went to his own room. He did not say anything good or bad about he simu's words.

The sound of running water was heard in the room.

He simu didn't leave immediately. She stood outside and waited for him.

She turned around and wanted to sit on the SOFA next to him. She saw the group of people outside the door.

He Simu was stunned. She looked at the group of people and then looked at Luo Xichen's room. She walked to the door and asked with a smile, "are you looking for young Master Luo? He's taking a shower right now. It's not convenient. He might be free for a long time. "

Her words made everyone's eyes widen.

Taking a shower?

Why would he need to take a shower in the morning?

He simu's eyes swept across the faces of the group of people with a smile. She closed the door and locked it without explaining anything.

The people outside the room were still in a daze.

The two of them were going to stay in the room for a long time?

The group of people looked at each other and thought of the same thing.

A double shower?