Chapter 920 had ulterior motives

Luo Xichen stared at her, his head spinning.

He finally understood something. She was referring to when he simu helped him wipe the water stains, wasn't she?

The scene at that time had caused a misunderstanding to the group of people?

"What else did you see? Foreplay? Theme? Or afterplay? " Luo Xichen's lips curled into a cold smile, and his voice suddenly turned a little sinister.

Su Na's body trembled and she shook her head vigorously. "I didn't see anything. I only saw young master Luo enter the bathroom. "

"Go and clean up the rumors in the afternoon. Wait for the resignation letter if the matter isn't settled. Rong Xi doesn't need an employee who only knows how to gossip all day long. She doesn't need to be so arbitrary, " Luo Xichen turned around and said coldly Then, he turned around and left in Sha Zhixing's direction.

Su Na left the office, trembling. As she walked, she reflected on what he had said.

Did he mean that what happened in the morning wasn't real?

Su Na was very surprised, but she didn't have time to think about it.

She was about to lose her job because of a rumor. Who would be in the mood to care so much The most important thing now was to solve the problem!

After the door was closed, Luo Xichen did not go to the SOFA to sit down. He turned his head and looked at Sha Zhixing's face. He looked at her pale face, rubbed his temples, and explained slowly "In the morning, he simu came to my office once and spilled a glass of water. The people saw her wiping the water stains on my clothes. "

"What about the shared bath? " Sha Zhixing asked coldly.

"What shared bath? " Luo Xichen's expression changed again after she spoke. He closed his eyes and wanted to call Su Na in again. However, he held back his impulse when he thought of what she had said before she left.

"Zhixing, Su Na also said that she only saw me enter the bathroom. Where did the shared bath come from? " He asked calmly.

Sha Zhixing's gaze swept over his face inch by inch. She slowly reflected on his expression from the afternoon until now. Combined with Su Na's words, she felt that there was still something wrong.

If he simu helped Luo Xichen to wipe his clothes, it was possible that a group of people would misunderstand because of the angle. However, Rong Xi's employees were not weak. They would not be able to come up with a rumor about them taking a bath together just because they saw Luo Xichen enter the bathroom, right?

Unless there was a catalyst in the middle to cause a group of people to misunderstand.

He Simu?

The name flashed across Sha Zhixing's mind.

She had known Luo Xichen for so many years. She believed his words. She felt that the problem was most likely with he simu.

How thoughtful!

Luo Xichen quietly observed her reaction and saw that her expression seemed to have eased up a lot. He picked her up and pressed her onto his lap.

"How can you believe such groundless rumors? " He said helplessly as he held her chin with his fingertips.

"Don't you know that there's a saying that goes, 'there's no smoke without fire' ? " Sha Zhixing retorted.

She actually did not believe the rumors this time. However, she felt that something must have happened between the two of them, for example, they fell into the pool together.

Otherwise, people would not be so suspicious.

She had been waiting for Luo Xichen to explain the whole afternoon, but he did not say anything. This made her even more confused, and she even thought that the problem was more serious.

Anyway, it was good that nothing happened between the two of them.