Chapter 922 was out of control

Luo Xichen ignored her and held her chin with his fingertips. His fingers were still hurting her and he spoke slowly, "no matter what you hear or see in the future, ask me face-to-face, okay? "

His sentence was a little long.

"Okay. " Sha Zhixing nodded vigorously, as if she was going to do whatever he said.

They were not done with the company yet and they were at the elevator again. What was he trying to do with her?

Luo xichen seemed to be satisfied with her obedience. He rubbed her head and gave her a kiss on the lips as a reward.

Sha Zhixing thought that he had only kissed her once, but he kissed her on the forehead, then on the tip of her nose, then on the side of her face... ...

Sha Zhixing looked sullen.

This kiss was going to get out of hand?

The two of them were still at the elevator. Sha Zhixing felt uncomfortable as if her back was pressed against a needle. She dodged Luo Xichen left and right, worried that someone would come over.

Just as his kiss was about to land on her collarbone, Sha Zhixing got angry.

Why is he so passionate in such a big office?

"Luo Xichen, stop! " Sha Zhixing pushed him with her hand between the two of them.

Luo Xichen ignored her and continued to kiss himself. His hand would rub her soft skin from time to time.

"Stop! " Sha Zhixing raised the tip of her foot and wanted to kick him. Suddenly, the sound of high heels came from the direction of the design department.

The sudden sound stunned the two of them at the same time.

Luo Xichen was a little annoyed that he had been interrupted, and Sha Zhixing's expression was a little awkward.

She reached out and wanted to push him away, but when she carefully listened to the footsteps coming towards her, she suddenly held back her impulse.

He Simu?

Thinking of what had happened this morning, Sha Zhixing's red lips curved. The hand that was pushing Luo Xichen away suddenly changed to wrap around his neck.

She straightened her back and even deliberately leaned against him. Sha Zhixing pulled down his neck, aimed her lips at his and kissed him.

Luo Xichen was a little surprised by Sha Zhixing's action.

He looked at Luo Xichen with a strange look in his eyes.

However, Sha Zhixing did not care about what other people thought of her, so why would he care?

Luo xichen looked a little happy. He pushed Sha Zhixing against the cold wall behind him and put his arms on her sides to cover her face. His thin lips covered her lips and deepened the kiss.

He simu worked a little late today. She walked out of the design department with her head lowered.

She came to the elevator and saw the scene. She raised her head suddenly and her eyes darkened.

Sha Zhixing was being held down by Luo Xichen and the kiss between them was still going on.

She looked at Luo Xichen from the corner of her eyes and her red lips curled up. The hands around Luo Xichen's neck changed to pulling his collar.

She reached for the elevator button and pulled him into the elevator after the door opened with a ding.

The heavy door slowly closed after the two of them entered.

He simu stood at the other end of the elevator and looked at the place where the two of them had been. Her eyes were a little dim.

What she did not understand was what was so good about Sha Zhixing that Luo Xichen would give up a garden for a flower?

In the elevator, Luo Xichen was provoked by Sha Zhixing.

He pushed her against the wall of the elevator and held her face in his hands. He wanted to continue, but Sha Zhixing suddenly stopped him... ...