Chapter 935 was trapped on the island

It was followed by a few long streets. By the end of the walk, he simu's legs were so stiff that she could even tremble on the flat ground.

Luo Xichen did not seem to notice her behind him. He looked at the shops on his left and right leisurely, his face expressionless.

He simu had never suffered much since she was a child. How could she live like this today?

If the person with her was not Luo Xichen, he would have turned around and left.

However, he was the one she met this time.

Although she had been with Rong Xi for more than a year, this was the first time she had been alone with him. It was also the first time they had spent so much time together.

He simu slowly raised her head and fixed her gaze on the side of his face that was raised forty-five degrees.

Luo Xichen's facial features were very delicate. The hazy sunlight shone on his face, leaving a silhouette on his side profile, which made the curves of his face look a little softer.

His eyes were raised gently. There was a hint of arrogance, a hint of nobility, and a bit of coldness. But even so, people still could not bear to look away.

He simu looked at him in a daze. In her memory, images similar to the current situation suddenly appeared in her mind.

There was a time when he stood in front of her like this, noble, cold, and arrogant, as distant as the cold stars in the sky.

Those things had been a long time ago, but every time she thought of it, it was as clear as if it had happened yesterday... ...

"It's time to go. " Luo Xichen's cold voice suddenly came from the front.

He Simu came back to her senses after he said that. The memory that she had just opened came to an abrupt end. She pursed her lips and picked up the hem of her dress to follow him.

The two of them walked a few more streets and walked around the entire island.

It was already 11 o'clock at night when they finished their research.

Luo Xichen walked in front and he simu dragged her feet behind him. The two of them came to the dock and wanted to buy back the ferry in the city, but they were surprised to find that the dock had closed for business.

Luo Xichen's eyes were locked on the dark dock. He kicked a trash can beside him in annoyance.

He had been so busy that he had forgotten about this!

He had only been to this island once or twice and was not familiar with it. He did not know what time the ferry back to the city would be closed. However, there were several islands around here that were all closed at 10:00, at the latest at 10:30.

He simu had never been to such a place before. However, when she saw that the ticket office was completely dark and the lights had stopped, she could easily guess what had happened to the two of them.

However, she asked innocently, "how could this be? "

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and looked at the surface of the sea quietly, trying to follow the speedboat and other tools.

However, there was not even a fishing boat on the surface of the sea, let alone a speedboat!

Luo Xichen's face turned darker and darker when he saw this.

He simu stood behind him and silently observed his expression. Her Red Lips curled up without a trace.

At the Luo family home.

Sha Zhixing Sat on the Sofa in the living room and took out her phone. She did not know how many times she had looked up that night.

Luo Enqi had told her that Luo Xichen had gone to an island when he came back. She had also reported to Luo Xichen when he arrived there. However, it was already so late. He should be back by now, right?

Sha Zhixing was a little worried. She tapped on the phone screen with her fingertips and dialed Luo Xichen's number.

Luo Xichen was still at the dock trying to think of a way to answer her call. Before he could speak in a hurry, he simu's voice suddenly rang