Chapter 929: Save Her!

The rest of the Luo family did not have the time to ask about the situation. They were shocked by Sha Zhixing's words and all of them followed her anxiously.

This was the first child of the fourth generation of the Luo family. From Luo Yi to Luo Xichen and his wife, everyone felt sorry for her. Even the slightest mistake was not allowed.

Luo Xichen ran very fast and came to the car. He put Sha Zhixing on the car and the white sports car quickly drove away.

He found a hospital nearby and ran in with Sha Zhixing in his arms. Luo Xichen looked at the service desk and shouted at the crowd in a hoarse voice, "save her! Save her! "

The nurses'heads were buzzing from his shouting. They wanted to ask what was going on, but they could not wait any longer. They quickly led Luo Xichen to the emergency room with their heads lowered.

Sha Zhixing's stomach was throbbing. She was in Luo Xichen's arms. Her whole body was covered in cold sweat and she was in a daze.

This was the first time she had experienced such a situation since she was pregnant. She did not know what was going on, but she was a little flustered. She grabbed Luo Xichen's clothes tightly and said weakly, "Xichen... Baby... "

"I'm here, " Luo Xichen comforted her gently. "Don't worry, the baby will be fine. TRUST ME! "

He was also in a mess when he saw the blood on her dress. He did not know what to do, but he did not let Sha Zhixing know.

He picked up his pace and carried her to the emergency room.

When they arrived, Sha Zhixing was sent for an examination and Luo Xichen was invited out.

The people from the Luo family arrived later. They were all in a mess.

"Xichen, how is Zhixing? " Wen Lan's heart ached. She could not bear to see Sha Zhixing in pain or the child in danger.

"She has just been sent in, " Luo Xichen replied and looked at the emergency room.

"How could she be like this? " Luo Enqi was also very nervous. He was usually a calm person, but he kept pacing outside the emergency room. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

Luo Xichen was about to swing his walking stick at Luo Xichen again.

Luo Yi felt that half of the responsibility for his wife's accident was Luo Xichen's failure to take good care of her!

However, when the accident happened just now, it seemed that Rong Ci was standing beside Zhi Xing... ...

Luo Yi turned his head stiffly and looked at Luo Rongci who was walking towards him.

"Rong Ci, what's going on? " Luo Yi walked up to him and asked.

Luo Xichen and Luo Enqi's eyes suddenly turned towards Luo Rongci's direction after that.

Luo Rongci only glanced at the three of them before he turned to look at the emergency room.

He Did Not Answer Luo Yi's question directly. Instead, he asked with concern, "how is Zhixing? "

"We don't know the result yet, " Luo Xichen replied calmly.

Luo Rongci closed his eyes and sat down on the bench outside the emergency room.

Luo xichen leaned against the wall in the corridor and looked at Sha Zhixing again and again with his brows furrowed.

He was worried about the child, but he was more worried about her!

Wen Lan's head was throbbing with anxiety. She had been urging them to have a child for so long. Now that they finally had one, it would be born in a few months. Wen Lan's heart was aching if something really happened.