Chapter 938 touching

He Simu had attracted his attention today purely because of her extraordinary endurance.

Luo Xichen could not understand how a rich young lady had followed him for so many miles and even tortured herself to this state.

He Simu fell silent after his words.

Luo Xichen did not seem to remember her at all. She was hesitating whether to tell him the truth about her entering Rong Xi.

She wanted to say that she also wanted to fight for a chance for herself. However, considering the current situation between the two of them, she finally gave up on the impulse.

If he were to confess, would he be able to accept a person with such impure motives to stay with Rong Xi for a long time?

"I've loved design since I was young, and Rong Xi is the dream of all designers. That's why I decided to come here. " She slowly raised her head and looked at him. Her words were still the same as when the Luo Enqi couple had asked her.

Luo xichen closed his eyes slightly and did not say anything.

He believed what she said.

He had seen how explosive a person with a dream could be in Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing had suffered a lot for her designs and she had stumbled a lot, not to mention today.

He simu heaved a sigh of relief and continued to treat the wound on her foot.

Luo Xichen looked at her for a while and went into the room. He looked around the room and walked towards the table not far away.

He simu massaged her leg for a while. She had a headache and did not know how to treat the wound on her foot.

There were too many places where the skin was worn. At this rate, she would be walking on pins and needles the next day.

She looked around and wanted to find something to deal with. Suddenly, a hand reached under her eyelids and held a band-aid.

He Simu was stunned and turned her head stiffly.

Luo Xichen stood beside her, still expressionless. He just looked at her and did not say anything.

He simu looked at him and her eyes suddenly felt warm. She had been torturing him for the whole day without making a sound. She suddenly had the urge to cry.

This was the first time Luo Xichen had cared about her since she came to Rong Xi. Although the things he had done were small, it made he simu want to cry.

She had never been like this. She gave people the impression that she was a high and mighty queen, but now, because of Luo Xichen's small movement, all her strength had melted away... ...

Taking the band-aid from his hand, he simu took a deep breath, held back her tears, bent down and continued to treat her wound.

Luo Xichen stood in front of the window of the room, his eyes fixed on the distant sea, and continued to ponder over the solution to the problem.

At the Luo residence.

Sha Zhixing was sitting on the Sofa. She had been sitting in the same position ever since the phone call with Luo Xichen ended, and had not gone up to rest.

Wen Lan came downstairs at a little past one o'clock. She was going to get a glass of water when she woke up in the middle of the night. She was shocked when she saw her sitting in the dim light.

"Zhixing, what happened? Why are you still up so late? " Wen Lan asked with concern as she walked down the stairs to her side.

Sha Zhixing raised her head stiffly and looked at her with a smile on her face. She shook her head and said, "mom, I'm fine. Go back to your room and rest early! "

Wen Lan looked at her quietly and looked at her carefully. She frowned slightly.

It looked like something had happened to her and she said she was fine!

"Is Xichen still not back yet? " She took out her phone to check the time and asked tentatively.