Chapter 941 was a good performance

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him.

She was more puzzled by the timing. Why didn't he simu take the opportunity to play some tricks?

This was not like her!

Sha Zhixing almost wondered if she had misunderstood he simu.

Luo Xichen took her into the bedroom, kicked the door with the tip of his foot, and entered the room. He did not put her down, but continued to hug her, not wanting to let go.

"Why did you go with he simu? " Sha Zhixing did not say that she wanted to get down. She put her arms around his neck and asked calmly.

"It was arranged by Dad. I didn't know when the flights on the island would stop, so I forgot about it, " Luo Xichen explained.

"Did you stay with he simu all the time? " Sha Zhixing raised her eyebrows and asked again.

Luo Xichen glanced at her and thought that her tone was funny. It was as if she was interrogating him. He pursed his lips and said, "yes. ".

Sha Zhixing frowned and punched him in the chest.

Luo Xichen grunted. He could not help but laugh when he saw her unhappy expression.

Sha Zhixing was not happy with his expression. She punched him again.

Luo Xichen wrapped her hand around his neck and held her arms around his neck. He wiped the smile off his face and said seriously, "I haven't talked to her much. "

Sha Zhixing listened to him with satisfaction and her red lips curled up.

She believed him. Luo Xichen had never looked at other women before, not even after they got married.

"Do you have a reward for your husband's good performance? " Luo xichen teased as he glanced at the two of them.

Sha Zhixing looked up and pulled his neck. She kissed him on the Lips.

However, Luo Xichen was not satisfied. His lips were chasing her lips and he refused to let go.

The two of them played with each other like a pair of kissing fish. Luo Xichen carried her and lay on the bed.

It was already past two o'clock. Luo Xichen did not want to affect the baby in his stomach. He hugged her and fell asleep.

He was used to the smell of her body. He did not feel sleepy without her around.

So, he came back in the middle of the night.

Luo Xichen fell asleep quickly as he hugged Sha Zhixing and felt her warm body temperature.

A good night's sleep.

The next day, Sha Zhixing did not want to stay at home anymore and went to the company with him.

She met he simu once in the design department in the morning. The two of them just looked at each other without saying anything.

There was a large-scale staff meeting in the design department today, and everyone was present. The meeting was chaired by he Simu, and it was about the department's plans for the next quarter and everyone's career plans.

Sha Zhixing sat at the side and listened quietly. She did not say a single word today.

He simu seemed to be a little abnormal today. Her tone was not as friendly and kind as before in front of everyone. It was a little serious and a little cold. Occasionally, when there were people who refuted her, her tone was a little harsh.

Sha Zhixing looked at her without batting an eyelid, and her brows furrowed slightly.

Had she been provoked last night?

He Simu was sitting at the head seat of the meeting room and was still in the middle of the meeting. Suddenly, she said, "in the future, if anyone from Rong Xi is absent from work for no reason, they will all be fired! "