Chapter 962: Life is the key

Luo Xichen did not explain anything. He turned around and made a call to Sha Zhixing.

As soon as the call went through, Sha Zhixing's clear voice came from the other end. "When will you be back? "

"soon. Take good care of yourself and the baby. " Luo Xichen's gaze fell on the blue surface of the sea. When he spoke to her, his gaze was so gentle that it was as if water could seep out of his eyes.

It was a look that was completely different from his cold appearance. It was only when he was facing Sha Zhixing that outsiders could see this side of him.

"Xichen, the baby seems to be moving. " On the other end of the phone, Sha Zhixing's voice sounded very pleasant.

"Were you naughty today? " The smile on Luo Xichen's lips became even wider.

"Of course not, " Sha Zhixing replied with a smile.

The conversation between the two of them was very affectionate. Just listening to it would make people envious.

Luo Rongci stood aside and watched quietly. His eyes were cold.

Luo Xichen was still chatting with Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing excitedly reported to him about Rong Xi's recent situation. She said a lot of things, such as how Rong Xi's crisis had been resolved and how much support she had gained in Rong Xi.

Luo Xichen listened quietly. He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he did not interrupt the call.

Sha Zhixing did not know about his situation and told him a lot of jokes. Most of them were from Jue Ye's group.

Luo Xichen endured the pain in his stomach and answered her calmly. He waited for her to end the call.

Sha Zhixing chatted for a while more and suddenly said softly, "Xichen, if you have settled the matter, come back soon! "

There was one more thing she did not tell him. She had been feeling uneasy every day since he left.

Sha Zhixing had a feeling that his motive for going abroad this time was not that simple. The thought of him handing over Rong Xi and Jue ye to her made her heart flutter.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Xichen... " Sha Zhixing called out to him tentatively.

Luo Xichen's hand was on the guardrail, trying to answer her. However, his body suddenly spasmed and the phone in his hand fell to the ground with a thud.

A voice made Sha Zhixing's back stiffen and her hand that was holding the phone slowly dropped to the ground... ...

On the deck, Luo rongci looked quietly at Luo Xichen who was sitting on the ground. He bent down to pick up the phone, threw it into the sea expressionlessly and squatted down beside Luo Xichen.

"Why did you drink that glass of wine even though you were suspecting me? "

Luo Xichen's cold gaze fell on Luo Xichen's face. Even at this moment, his voice was still as calm as ever. "I'm betting on your last trace of familial love! "

Luo RONGCI's back stiffened. He seemed a little shocked by Luo Xichen's answer.

"It seems that I've lost the bet. " Luo Xichen slowly stood up with the help of the guardrail. A silver pistol had appeared in his hand out of nowhere.

The muzzle of the gun was aimed at Luo Rongci. His voice was as cold as snow. "I just want to know the reason! "

Luo Rongci looked at him from the corner of his eyes. He observed Luo Xichen's expression without a hint of fear in his eyes.

He was not afraid of Luo xichen shooting. He was betting that it was impossible!

However, just as this thought was born, a gunshot was heard on the deck. A bullet flew out and hit Luo RONGCI's leg.

Luo Xichen used a silencer. There was almost no sound after the bullet was fired. No one in the cabin knew what happened on the deck.