Chapter 972 goes all the way to the end

The baby's small hand pinched his face and nodded with a smile. Then, he imitated his tone and asked, "uncle, do you miss the baby? "

Shi Qinuo was amused by her and leaned over to kiss her forehead. "If you don't miss the little princess, who do you miss? "

"What about me? " Noah's smiling voice came from the side.

Shi Qinuo came back to his senses and looked down at his head that was not even as big as his own thigh. His other hand also carried him up. "Of course. "

The baby nestled in his arms and used her unique baby voice to excitedly tell Shi Qinuo about the interesting things that had happened around her recently.

Basically, they were all pranks. which servant in the house was so pranked that they did not dare to enter the castle at night? who was so pranked that they did not dare to sleep on the bed of the castle? And how badly he simu had been pranked and so on.

She said a lot of things, and her eyes curved into a smile. From time to time, her eyes revealed sympathy for those people who had been pranked.

Shi Qinuo was amused by her expression. After she finished speaking, he patted her little head as a reward and said calmly, "keep up the good work. "

Sha Zhixing walked into the house and looked at the three of them sitting together. She smiled and teased, "master, you have led the baby astray. "

"This is a matter of genetics. " Shi Qinuo said calmly.

Sha Zhixing agreed with him.

She had grown up with Luo Xichen. Luo Xichen's evil nature was reflected in the child.

Sha Zhixing sat next to them and took Noah into her arms.

"Mommy, " Noah called out to her in his baby voice and waved the toy in his hand at her like a treasure.

"Be careful. " Sha Zhixing was afraid that he would hurt her, so she reminded him.

Shi Qinuo turned his head to look at Noah and started to study the toy with him.

In front of the children, he was completely unlike the lonely and cold man in the eyes of the outside world. He had a lot more smiles and would play with the children from time to time. This was another reason why both children liked him.

In addition, that mixed-blood's face was too handsome, and his off-the-charts good looks added a lot of points to him.

The baby and Noah were both obsessed with looks, and they were even a little picky when it came to their level of appreciation. However, Shi Qinuo and Noah had both passed the test.

Noah was playing with a ball-shaped toy in his hand. It was also given to him by the People in absolute night.

The things produced by absolute night were usually researched by themselves. This ball was the same as well. Just like that, it did not look much different from a normal child's toy. It was just that there was a small pinhole device installed on it The special thing was that if one used all their strength to suppress it, a lot of flying needles would pop out from it. There were also chemical reagents on the needles.

Noah played with a lot of things, including slingshots made from gunpowder. All of them were very fresh. He had almost never seen them in other places.

In the corridor outside the house, Luo Rongci passed by the door quietly. When he saw the scene in the house, he could not help but stop.

Shi Qinuo and Sha Zhixing sat very close to each other. Each of them held a child in their arms, and they were both playing with the child. The scene of the four of them together was like a real family, very harmonious.

Luo RONGCI's eyes hurt a little as he watched.

When did outsiders become more intimate than him?

He closed his eyes slightly, turned around, and wanted to leave, but the ball in Noah's hand suddenly squeezed hard, and a few needles flew in his direction... ...