Chapter 986 can I see your face

The silver-masked man's lips twitched slightly at her words, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

Why does her tone sound so similar to... ... Who is that ? ?

The baby saw that he did not respond, so he took his silence as a tacit agreement. His small hand held a small fork and continued to taste the food.

After taking two bites, he raised his head to look at him, then picked up a small piece of cake and put it on his lips. "This is to repay uncle for helping me out. "

The man smiled and put the cake into his mouth. After chewing it slowly, he could not help but kiss the side of her face again.

"Is it good? This is Tiramisu. MOMMY LIKES IT TOO! " The baby looked up and smiled sweetly at him. Then, he picked up a small piece of cake and put it in front of him.

The man did not refuse. Whatever she sent over, he accepted it. The two of them finished the two plates of food one after another. The baby lay on his lap and stretched comfortably.

She liked the smell on his body very much. It was very comfortable, refreshing, and clean.

There was actually no smell on the man's body. If there was any, it was the fragrance of the bath milk. It was very faint and almost inaudible, but the baby was sensitive enough to sense it.

Today was the first time the two of them met. The baby did not show any strangeness from the beginning to the end. When he lay on his body, his small body curled up into a ball. His furry head would occasionally rub into his arms, and his short arms would wrap around his body.

The man did not stop her. He helped her secure a comfortable position and allowed her to hug him. His gaze fell quietly on her face.

The baby raised his head and looked at him. His big black eyes stared at the silver mask on his face for a long time. His delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his hand suddenly climbed onto his face.

Her hand was very soft. It was so soft that it seemed as if it could melt a person's heart. Her movements were also very gentle. Carefully, with a hint of caution, her big eyes contained a trace of anticipation.

"Uncle, why are you wearing a mask? " A young and tender voice rang out between the two of them, filled with the curiosity of a child.

The man's back stiffened after hearing her words. He was silent for a moment, and the corners of his lips curved slightly. He asked faintly, "why do you wear a princess crown on your head? "

"This is something that Mommy designed for me. After wearing it, I will look different from other children. This way, Mommy will be able to recognize me more easily. " The baby raised his Chin slightly, and when he mentioned Sha Zhixing, his tone was full of pride.

The man was speechless by her words.

When did your mommy develop to rely on the crown to recognize people?

"Uncle, are you wearing the mask so that others won't be able to recognize you so easily? " The baby asked innocently.

The man was a little surprised at the speed at which her head spun.

This little girl was even more clever than he had imagined.

The baby felt that this should be the case. His small hand crawled on top of his mask. His hand turned and suddenly grabbed the edge of his mask. "uncle, can I see your face? "

Her voice was filled with anticipation as she looked at his sparkling eyes. After saying that, she gently lifted his mask.

The man's expression froze. Just as she was about to lift his mask, he swiftly pressed down on her wrist... ...