Chapter 988: Zhixing's challenge

There was only one villa nearby. There were no other buildings, and she had finished looking at the scene. Other than this villa, she really couldn't think of where the child might have gone to.

With confusion, Sha Zhixing walked towards the villa.

However, just as she reached the door, she was stopped by a few bodyguards.

"Miss, you can't go in here! " The bodyguards were all foreigners, and they seemed to be new here, so they didn't know much about Sha Zhixing's identity.

Sha Zhixing frowned slightly and looked inside without changing her expression, trying to look for the shadow of the baby. However, other than the magnificent hall, there wasn't even a shadow.

She glanced at the group of bodyguards who were blocking her from the corner of her eyes and took a deep breath. She asked calmly, "have you seen a three-year-old little girl passing by here? "

The group of people didn't even pause after she said that. They all nodded decisively.

Sha Zhixing's face was filled with joy. However, just as this joy rose, the group of people immediately poured a bucket of cold water on her. "But miss, you still can't go in! "

"where did you take that little girl? " Sha Zhixing's face darkened and her tone became colder.

"that child is very safe now. Miss, you don't have to worry, " the leader on duty replied in English. His attitude was quite respectful, but he added, "No one is allowed to enter without the owner's permission! "

Sha Zhixing had no idea what was going on with the baby. She was anxious because she did not see her. What was even more confusing was how a child could break through so many bodyguards and enter?

However, the Group of people in front of her was too dull. It was obvious that they were not easy to get information from. They kept saying, "you can't enter. "

She glanced at the Group of people from the corner of her eyes. She straightened her back and her tone suddenly turned cold. "Then help me pass on a message to your master. Tell him that the young Madam of the Luo family has something to attend to! "

The name of the Luo family was very well-known in city C and even internationally. No matter where she went, she had to give face to the Luo family. However, this group of people in front of her seemed to have come from outer space. Their eyes were lost for a moment and they did not fall for her trick.

"I'm sorry, Young Madam Luo. We are just following master's orders! " One of the men said respectfully.

Sha Zhixing's face darkened immediately after his words. She looked at the men one by one and stared at them for a long time. She looked at the group of men who were still worried about the baby and suddenly turned around She took out her cell phone and made a phone call.

Ever since she took over Luo Xichen's management of Jue Ye, she had always been accompanied by bodyguards. She did not arrange it herself. The managers of Jue Ye had prepared it for her. The more bodyguards she had when she took the child out, the more bodyguards she would have.

After a phone call, the dozens of specially trained men from Jue ye appeared by her side.

"Young Madam! " They greeted her respectfully, waiting for her order.

Sha Zhixing stood at the front of the crowd, her cold gaze sweeping across the group of people who were guarding the door of the villa.

There were many people on her side, several times more than the ones at the door. It was like a group fight.

The front door of the villa was suddenly filled with smoke and fire, as if it was on the verge of being ignited.

"take me to your master, or else I will tear down this house! " Sha Zhixing raised her head proudly, her tone very domineering.