Chapter 1011"I heard that you were looking for me. "

The group of people set off after that. It was quite a big group. It felt like they were going to fight someone.

Luo Xichen was already waiting on the cruise ship when they arrived. He stood tall and proud on the ship, his eyes cold. The silver mask on his face was shining faintly under the white sunlight The area within ten meters around him seemed to be shrouded in a layer of coldness.

Noah saw him on the ship when he brought the group over.

Children were timid and fearless. They had never known fear since they were young. Now that they had such a big group of bodyguards behind them, they looked very powerful.

However, when he arrived here, his eyes met with Luo Xichen's. He did not know whether it was because the sea breeze blew past Meng or some other reason, but noah could not help but shiver and slow down a little.

However, he quickly regained the momentum he had when he first came here.

He raised his chin slightly and looked at Noah proudly. Noah led the group of people and walked towards the boat step by step.

"I heard that you were looking for me? " Noah asked as he walked towards Luo Xichen. He raised his head high. The difference in height between the two of them made him look even more imposing.

Luo xichen looked at Noah with a look of disdain. He suddenly grabbed Noah by the wrist and dragged him into the boat.

Noah was very good at controlling his strength so that Noah would not hurt him. However, Noah felt that being dragged into the boat was a blow to his image. He started screaming behind Noah.

"Let go of me! Let me go! " Noah shouted

The moment he shouted, the people of Jue ye who had followed him started panicking.

Since when had anyone ever dared to do this to their young master?

All of them were holding guns in their hands and wanted to order Luo Xichen to put him down. However, the man in the silver mask suddenly turned around and looked at them coldly.

His eyes were very sharp and there was a bone-chilling coldness in them. The people of Jue Ye felt a chill down their spines.

The people of Jue ye had never met anyone with such eyes, except for the few leaders of the family.

The people from Jue Ye were stunned. They looked at Luo Xichen's back and felt that they had seen him before.

"What are you waiting for? Help me stop him! " Noah felt that Luo Xichen's actions were a blow to his prestige. He shouted at the people behind him, sounding a little angry.

However, the child was too young. He did not even take off his childish voice. Even though he was angry, with his young voice, his aura was instantly reduced by half.

Luo Xichen was a little annoyed by his noise. When they were halfway to the restaurant, he suddenly grabbed Noah's hand and picked him up like a little chick. He picked Noah up under his armpit and walked towards the restaurant at a faster pace.

Noah was even angrier and his protests were getting louder.

"Let go of me! I can walk! "

Luo Xichen did not even look at Noah. He quickened his pace and walked towards the dining hall on the deck.

The cruise ship was very huge. It was private property. There was a dining hall on the ship and it was usually in the cabin. Luo Xichen had also added a temporary dining hall on the deck today.

The seats on the deck were already set up when they arrived.

They walked to the table and sat noah on one of the chairs. Luo Xichen sat on the chair next to Noah.

He had ordered the dishes in advance. He turned his head and told the waiter beside him to prepare the dishes. The waiter then turned around and left.

After that, the dishes were served one after another... ...