Chapter 1020 bad guy, Luo Xichen

Sha Zhixing was confused.

He was indeed like this when he was enduring in front of her.

"Why aren't you leaving yet? Do you want us to continue? " Luo Xichen looked at her from the corner of his eyes and mocked her.

As he said this, his shirt was slowly soaked in sweat.

However, Sha Zhixing did not notice that he was wearing a coat.

Sha Zhixing's eyes were fixed on his face. She felt that something was wrong, but she could not tell what exactly was wrong.

She reached out to touch him, but Luo Xichen suddenly pushed open the car door behind her. He grabbed her wrist with one hand and pushed her down.

Sha Zhixing did not expect him to make such a sudden move. His strength was a little brutal, and she was caught off guard and fell to the ground.


The baby and Noah were shocked when they saw this. They called out to her in a baby voice, and the little figure ran towards her at the same time.

Sha Zhixing fell to the ground and stared blankly at the sports car in front of her. Her elbow was scratched, and her white clothes were stained with red blood.

It was as if she could not see the wound on her hand. Her eyes were empty and her mind was filled with Luo Xichen's actions.

This was the first time in 24 years that he had roughed her up!

Luo Xichen turned his head and glanced at her body. His Eyes Stung when he saw the blood on her hand, but he did not say anything.

The baby and Noah ran over. Noah was in charge of checking on Sha Zhixing while the baby came to the car angrily. He pointed at Luo Xichen and scolded in a childish voice, "bad person! Luo Xichen is a big bad person! A BIG BAD PERSON! "

After a few curses, she felt that it was not enough. She wanted to punch him, but Luo Xichen's car suddenly turned around and left the scene.

From the beginning to the end, he did not even look at the baby.

Sha Zhixing stared blankly at the departing car. She sat on the ground for a long time, and a tear slowly rolled down from the corner of her eye.

Was He even indifferent to the baby?

"Mommy, it's okay. The baby and I will always be by your side. " Noah's small body hugged her tightly and patted her back gently as he comforted her gently in his own way.

The baby ran to the two of them in a few steps. He lifted up his white dress and helped Sha Zhixing wipe the blood stains on her hands. His small hands helped her wipe the tears on her face. He said fiercely to Noah, "brother, send people to bomb his residence tomorrow! "

Noah nodded very seriously after she said that. He helped Sha Zhixing stand up and walked into the castle with her.

Then, the two of them called Shi Qinuo over.

Shi Qinuo did not know what had happened. He helped Sha Zhixing to treat her wound and turned his eyes to Noah and the baby.

The two children had been telling him everything, but when they saw that Sha Zhixing did not say anything, they kept their mouths shut.

Shi qinuo looked at the two of them strangely, then looked at Sha Zhixing's face.

He could not guess what had happened, but he instinctively thought of a name... Luo Xichen ...

Besides Luo Xichen, who else could control her emotions so easily?

However, Sha Zhixing did not want to tell him, and Shi Qinuo did not want to ask.

"Why don't you protect yourself? " He held her hand and looked at the white gauze on it. He rubbed his finger gently and asked reproachfully.