Chapter 1022 as long as she was happy

Sha Zhixing did not make this decision on a whim.

Shi Qinuo had known her for more than five years. She had seen how good he was to her all these years.

When Luo Xichen was not around, he had watched her take care of her two children so painstakingly. Even someone in the Luo family had advised her to remarry.

She had not agreed to Shi Qinuo on a whim. This was the result of the two of them spending so much time together.

Hai Yue stared at her in shock for a long time. She mumbled, "what should I do if Xichen comes back? "

Sha Zhixing smiled coldly after her words.

Hai Yue probably didn't know that Luo Xichen had come back, right?

If he hadn't come back and so many things hadn't happened recently, she probably wouldn't have taken this step!

"Zhixing, do you like Qinuo? " Hai Yue asked again.

"master is very good. " The simple words swept her words away and Sha Zhixing's attention returned to Youyou once again.

When she shifted her gaze, her eyes dimmed for a moment.

To the current her, it didn't matter whether she liked him or not. As long as the two children were happy, it was fine.

Moreover, would she be happy just because she was with the person she liked Recently, she had been a bloody example!

Hai Yue did not know what had happened at all, nor did she know how to persuade her. She came over, but in the end, she did not have any effect.

Sha Zhixing and Shi Qinuo's wedding was scheduled for a week later.

In the afternoon, Shi Qinuo had someone send her a wedding dress from France. It was a very beautiful design, custom-made. When the maid waited on Sha Zhixing to put it on, her eyes could not help but reveal a look of amazement.

Shi Qinuo himself also came over. He didn't come because of how she looked in the wedding dress, but because he wanted to see her.

He was afraid that she would be sad.

However, Sha Zhixing was smiling from the beginning to the end. Her curved brows and eyes didn't show any sadness.

Shi Qinuo looked at her quietly, his gaze somewhat absent-minded.

"Qinuo, is it nice? " Sha Zhixing lifted the hem of her dress and spun around in front of him. Her voice seemed to be somewhat cheerful.

"Yes. " Shi qinuo nodded slightly.

Sha Zhixing smiled and sat down on the SOFA next to her. She tidied up her long gloves and suddenly raised her head to ask, "has the wedding procedure been arranged? "

"It's done, " Shi Qinuo replied faintly and walked towards her step by step.

"Can I design the invitation? " Sha Zhixing stopped what she was doing and asked with a smile.

"Okay. " Shi Qinuo gently stroked her long hair.

"What style do you like? " Sha Zhixing asked again.

"As long as you're happy. " Shi qinuo smiled indifferently.

His smile had always been very faint and rarely seen. However, after having two children over the years, one could see it on his face from time to time. When he smiled, his gaze was still very gentle. It could be seen that he really liked the two of them.

This was the so-called love between two birds with one stone.

"Then, I'll show you the design before tonight. " Sha Zhixing smiled gently and held his arm as they walked towards the study. "Let me show you my draft first. "

Shi Qinuo followed behind her with a smile. A pair of beautiful figures slowly disappeared from the door.

In a villa by the sea.

Qing Yafeng was sitting on a Rattan Chair in the garden. His gaze fell on Luo Xichen's face who was sitting next to him. He looked at the closed eyes of Luo Xichen and suddenly said, "Zhixing is getting married, do you understand? "

Luo Xichen's closed eyes twitched but he did not say a word.