Chapter 1031 the baby's sneak attack

The father and daughter sat in the bathtub with the baby nestled in front of him. The baby leaned in his arms and looked at his face behind him from time to time. His little face was full of a smile.

"Did you have fun? " Luo Xichen gently rubbed her head and asked with a smile.

His voice was very pleasant and gentle. The baby was almost confused again.

The baby snorted and ignored him.

Luo xichen smiled faintly. He was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he quickly washed her body, dried the water, wrapped her in a towel, and carried her into the bedroom.

This time, the baby was a little more obedient, partly because Luo Xichen had not fought back after being bullied by her for so long, and partly because his body was wrapped in a towel, and it was inconvenient for him to move.

What she did not know was that from the moment she pushed him into the bathtub, Luo Xichen had been deliberately cooperating with her.

How strong could A FOUR-YEAR-OLD CHILD BE And she was still a little girl!

The strength of the baby was actually nothing to Luo Xichen. Not to mention her, even Sha Zhixing might not be able to do anything to him.

However, Luo Xichen did not want to ruin her mood when he saw that the baby was happy, so he cooperated with her.

When the two of them entered the bedroom, Noah was curled up on the SOFA. His big black eyes kept rolling around, as if he had not given up on his plan to leave.

Luo Xichen put the baby on the bed and waved at him. "COME HERE! "

Noah ignored him and continued to think about himself.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and walked to his side with his long legs. He dragged Noah into the bathroom.

He was much more rough with Noah than he was with his daughter.

In Luo Xichen's mind, a daughter was meant to be pampered while a son was meant to be honed.

How could a boy be treated like a girl?

However, even though it was rough, he controlled his strength well. The two children were still too young and Luo Xichen was afraid that he would hurt him if he used too much strength.

Noah did not want to go in with him. He hugged the door and refused to go in. He looked a little comical.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched slightly. His long fingers pried his fingers apart one by one. He scooped Noah up in his arms and closed the door behind him.

Noah was screaming in the room. His voice was a little sad.

The baby's eyes were wide open from the outside. He sat there for a while and suddenly got out of bed. He looked at a big vase placed next to him and carried him to the bathroom.

The vase was used to arrange long bouquets of flowers. It was a little tall and made of high-quality ceramics. It was a little difficult for the baby to carry it.

He went to the bathroom and opened the door carefully. He glanced at Luo Xichen who was bathing Noah. The baby gave Noah a look and walked in quietly with the vase in his arms.

She was very small and her footsteps were soft. She had deliberately lowered her footsteps. Luo Xichen should not have noticed her.

However, Luo Xichen knew the moment she walked in.

He looked at her from the corner of his eyes and frowned.

She even used a sneak attack on him?

Luo xichen suddenly felt a little bitter. How much did the two kids hate him to be like this?

The baby came to him with the vase and wanted to smash him, but Luo Xichen's arm suddenly pulled her into his arms before she could do anything