Chapter 1043: Luo Xichen, you're crazy

Sha Zhixing felt as if her fist had hit cotton. She struggled to push him away, but Luo Xichen held her wrist with one hand and pushed her against the wall behind him. Then, he pressed his body against her.

His strength was a little barbaric, and there was a big difference in their height. Now that he was so close to her, Sha Zhixing's entire body was covered by him.

He was pressing her very tightly, and their bodies were pressed tightly together. The pressure was suffocating her.

Sha Zhixing struggled with her hands and feet, but to no avail. She suddenly got angry.

"Luo Xichen, let go of me! " She reached for a vase beside her and threw it at his head.

Luo Xichen could have avoided it. He had sensed it, but he did not care. He let the vase hit his head, leaned over, and moved his lips closer to hers... ...

Red Blood gushed out from his hair, and the faint smell of blood filled the room. Sha Zhixing let him kiss her, staring blankly at the blood on his head. She even forgot to struggle.

After a while, she lost control and said, "crazy! Luo Xichen, YOU'RE CRAZY! "

Luo xichen kissed her as if he did not hear her. His actions were getting more and more intense.

At the wedding, Shi Qinuo took out his phone and looked at the time. His eyes fell on the bridal lounge.

There was still one minute left until the red carpet. Zhixing should be ready, right?

Shi Qinuo handed his phone to his attendant and strode towards the lounge.

He knocked on the door and asked with a smile, "Zhixing, are you ready? "

In the room, Sha Zhixing was being kissed by Luo Xichen on the wall. Her face turned pale when she heard his voice.

She wanted to answer, but Luo Xichen turned to face her.

"Zhixing! " Shi Qinuo called out again.

There was still no sound in the room.

Shi Qinuo thought for a few seconds and felt that something was not right. He pushed the door open

He saw Luo Xichen leaning against the wall with Sha Zhixing.

The two of them kissed intensely. Most of Sha Zhixing's clothes had already been taken off... ...

Shi Qinuo's eyes were fixed on the two people in the room. His face turned green and white.

Sha Zhixing turned her head with difficulty and looked over Luo Xichen's shoulder at him. There was a hint of bitterness in her eyes.

She probably owed him the most after 24 years... ...

She pushed Luo Xichen away from her with all her strength. Sha Zhixing tidied up her clothes in a sorry state. She glanced coldly at Luo Xichen's face, clutched her chest and walked towards Shi Qinuo.

"Qinuo... " Sha Zhixing called out his name, but she didn't know what to say.

Shi Qinuo turned his head and stared at Luo Xichen for a while. He didn't say anything but helped Sha Zhixing tidy up her wedding dress.

He didn't even scold her.

Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly. She had mixed feelings in her heart.

"Let's go. The time has passed. " Shi Qinuo tidied up her clothes and tidied up her messy hair. He smiled.

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses and glanced at Luo Xichen from the corner of her eyes. She held Shi Qinuo's arm and turned around.

Shi Qinuo held the back of her hand and took her step by step towards the red carpet... ...