Chapter 1046 this daddy is a little bad

"Daddy! " The baby called out to him in a childish voice. He touched him here and there and did not find anything abnormal. Then, he sat down next to him.

The child's voice was very sweet. The call of "Daddy" warmed Luo Xichen's heart.

Noah observed his expression without batting an eyelid. His eyes were fixed on him from top to bottom.

"It's okay. " Luo Xichen guessed his worry. He gently rubbed his head and pressed him to sit on the other side of his body.

He held a child in one hand and looked at the two shrunken faces of him and Sha Zhixing. The corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Sha Zhixing stood beside him and fixed her eyes on his head. She felt a little guilty and went to ask Bei Yuan for gauze to treat his wound.

Luo Xichen's eyes fell on her hand quietly. He looked at her delicate movements and suddenly felt that everything was worth it today.

The corners of his lips curled up a little when he thought of this.

"Luo Xichen, your smile is so silly. " Sha Zhixing looked at him from the corner of her eyes and said suddenly.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched slightly. He did not care that the two children were there. He Pinched Sha Zhixing's buttocks.

Sha Zhixing's face turned hot. She jumped back and looked at him angrily.

Luo Xichen pulled her into his arms and looked at her leisurely. He hugged her tightly with his arms and took advantage of her.

Sha Zhixing looked at him contemptuously and pried his hands apart one by one.

Noah and the baby were dumbfounded as they watched the interaction between the two.

Why did they feel that this cold and noble daddy was a bit of a scoundrel and a bit of a bad guy?

What made them even more dumbfounded was Luo Xichen's next move.

Luo Xichen held Sha Zhixing in his arms and rested his Chin on her neck. His expression was a bit relaxed. Then, two words slowly floated out of his mouth. "I'm hungry. "

It felt like when Xing Bao was hungry, she would cling onto Sha Zhixing.

"I'll help you cook something. " Sha Zhixing was used to his scoundrel. She pushed his hand away and helped him bandage the wound on his head. Then, she turned around and went downstairs.

"Mommy, I'll go help you! " The baby ran after her and held her hand happily.

Noah sat in the room with Luo Xichen. The father and son Sat on the SOFA and stared at each other.

Noah stared at him for a while and then said, "so you still love Mommy? "

Luo Xichen did not expect to hear this from a four-year-old child. He almost choked on his words.

What kind of behavior is love at four years old? This kid's Eq is very high.

"Huh? " Noah urged him as he did not get a positive response from him.

"Didn't you see it? " Luo Xichen glanced at him with a smile in his voice.

Noah nodded in satisfaction and then said, "don't make mommy sad in the future! Or my sister and I will never forgive you! "

The corner of Luo Xichen's mouth twitched slightly and he patted Noah on the head.

A Little Kid. Is he threatening me?

However, Noah was actually quite relieved to hear that.

The child was still so young and he already knew how to protect his mommy. His son was doing very well!

"This won't happen again! GO AND HELP MOMMY AND SISTER! " Luo xichen gently pinched his cheek and stood up, holding his hand as they walked downstairs.