Chapter 1053 openly teasing

Sha Zhixing rummaged through the kitchen and found all the stuff in the fridge for him. She made a sumptuous lunch for the two of them and settled it at his place at noon.

After lunch, he probably hadn't gone out for a few days. She suggested that he go to absolute night.

Absolute night was a secret base and belonged only to internal members. Outsiders wouldn't know about it.

However, Shi Qinuo and Sha Zhixing had known Luo Xichen for many years. Sha Zhixing had always treated him as one of her own and brought him in openly.

Just as the two of them entered the door, Hai Yue suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Yo, what brings you here today? " She glanced at Shi Qinuo and teased leisurely.

"tomboy. " Shi Qinuo's clear and cold gaze swept across her beautiful short hair. His thin lips spat out three words with unusual clarity. He turned around and walked side by side with Sha Zhixing in a very carefree manner before leaving.

Hai Yue's face was slightly distorted after his words. She turned her head and shouted at his back, "stop! "

Shi Qinuo glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and snorted lightly. He turned his head and casually chatted with Sha Zhixing, "Zhixing, why aren't you here yet? "

His voice was a little long.

"almost. " Sha Zhixing pointed to the furthest villa and smiled.

The two of them laughed and chatted as they passed through a long cobblestone path and entered the villa. After sitting down for less than two minutes, Hai Yue suddenly rushed in.

After entering the door, her gaze directly swept towards Shi Qinuo as she strode towards him.

Shi Qinuo acted as if he was familiar with her as he found the tea leaves placed on the coffee table. He casually boiled the water and brewed it, as if he didn't see her.

Hai Yue took a few deep breaths and walked to his side in a few steps. An arm lazily propped itself against his side as she suddenly said leisurely, "don't tell me you have a special hobby? That's why you see a woman as a man. "

"whether I have a hobby in this area or not, everyone in C city knows. " Shi Qinuo's gaze swept past Sha Zhixing who was beside him. He was very disdainful towards her words.

It was almost an open secret that he liked Sha Zhixing. Everyone knew that he liked women!

Hai Yue originally wanted to mock him, but he stopped her with a single sentence.

"Don't call you that from now on! " After a moment of silence, she suddenly straightened her back in front of his eyes.

This action made her and him get closer. Her seemingly unassuming chest also swelled up a little under this action.

Sha Zhixing's gaze followed Shi Qinuo's chest which was almost touching Shi Qinuo's body. The corners of her lips curled up into a smile as she watched the two of them silently.

Shi Qinuo was a little repulsive towards women. Other than Sha Zhixing, he had never been so close to any other woman.

His gaze followed Hai Yue's angry face and slowly moved down to her chest. His throat suddenly felt dry.

Hai Yue did not notice it at all. Her body leaned towards his direction. Then, her fingertips pinched Shi Qinuo's Chin and examined it. She said sarcastically, "how does he look like a kid? It's time to go to the ophthalmology department. "

Sha Zhixing watched her movements with her mouth agape. Her Gaze was fixed on the finger that was still pinching Shi Qinuo's Chin. The corners of her lips twitched a few times.

Why did it feel like this action was so flirtatious?

She was extremely wise, her unrivalled black-bellied master was actually being flirted with by a little girl!