Chapter 1064: Farewell, Brothers

Luo Xichen held Sha Zhixing and the child's hands as they walked. His face was cold, and his steps were steady. His back was cold.

His expression was cold. There was no warmth in his face. Instead, he looked like a king on a patrol.

In fact, no one in the Luo family who knew him would find it strange. He had always been like this on the surface. No one thought too much about it.

Today was the day that the baby and Noah were coming back. Everyone in the Luo family was there. Wen Lan was in the living room when they heard the news of Luo Xichen's return.

When she looked outside, she saw Luo Xichen's family of four walking towards her.

Wen Lan looked at the familiar figure from afar and her eyes turned red with excitement. Her body was trembling slightly.

Luo Enqi and she only had one son. It had been four years since his accident. After so many disappointments and despair, he had come back!

Wen Lan stared at him for a long time and stood up to greet them.

"Xichen... " Wen lan hugged him tightly and her voice was nasal.

"Mom. " Luo Xichen's cold face softened when he saw her. He patted her on the back and comforted her.

Wen Lan's heart warmed when she heard Luo Xichen call her "mom" after four years. She looked up with tears in her eyes and stared at him. She looked him up and down a few times and found that he was still fine. She was relieved and pulled him into the house.

Wen Lan was the only one in the living room. Luo Xichen entered the house and looked around the huge living room. He then turned upstairs and asked nonchalantly, "where are dad and Rong Ci? "

"Your father is in his study upstairs. Rong Ci should be in his room. Maybe he didn't hear the servant's voice, " Wen lan explained.

"Yes, " Luo Xichen replied calmly and did not ask further.

"Xichen, what happened back then? Where have you been all these years? " Wen Lan was both surprised and shocked to see him back.

She did not know much about him.

Luo Xichen's eyes darkened after her words, but he did not say anything. He only said calmly, "mom, it doesn't matter what happened before. She is back now. "

Wen Lan was confused, but it was obvious that he did not want to answer, so she did not press him.

It was a good thing that he was fine.

Wen Lan chatted with him for a while, then turned her head and hugged her two grandsons.

Luo Enqi came down a few minutes later, and the room became livelier.

Luo Enqi and Luo Rongci came down half an hour later. Luo Enqi was helped down the stairs by Luo Rongci, and he saw Luo Xichen sitting in the middle of the SOFA. Both of their eyes froze.

Although Luo Yi and Luo Xichen were always in conflict when they were together, they were blood-related after all. Seeing that Luo Yi had come back well, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes However, he did not express it as directly as Wen lan.

Luo rongci stood on the spiral staircase and looked down at Luo Xichen who was sitting on the sofa downstairs from a distance of more than ten meters. His pupils shrank in shock at first, but they soon returned to their calm and composed appearance.

Luo Xichen, who was chatting with Luo Enqi, turned his head and looked in his direction. He looked into his cold eyes and smiled coldly