Chapter 1076 the plan of the two babies

"Mommy, I'LL CALL DADDY! " The baby was very proud of his suggestion. He lifted the sheets and got out of bed. He put on his cartoon slippers and was about to get the phone. He sounded excited.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched, but she did not stop him.

At the he family home, Luo Xichen was being dragged by he simu and his daughter. He was a little drunk and his head was starting to feel dizzy.

"Xichen, are you okay? " He simu observed his expression and asked tentatively.

Luo Xichen rubbed his temples but did not answer.

"Why don't I take you upstairs to rest? " He Simu came to his side and placed his arm on his shoulder. She exchanged a look with father he and helped him into the house.

Just as she was about to leave, her phone suddenly rang.

It was Luo Xichen's phone.

His phone was placed on the small table and the caller's name could be seen.

He simu turned her head and looked at the name Zhi Xing. She frowned.

"Let me help you! " She whispered to Luo Xichen. She reached out and picked up his phone. He simu pressed the hang-up button and turned her head. "He hung up on himself, " she said as if nothing had happened

Then, she pretended to help him up.

At home, the baby was holding his phone and listening to the hanging sound. He looked at Sha Zhixing in confusion.

"What's wrong? " Sha Zhixing pulled her to her side and asked gently.

"Daddy hung up on me. " The baby sounded a little aggrieved.

Sha Zhixing thought about it and guessed that Luo Xichen must be busy. But, it was already past ten o'clock, what else was there to be busy about?

They had grown up together, and Luo Xichen had almost no record of hanging up on her.

The baby also felt that something was wrong. This did not seem like Luo Xichen's style at all!

He took out his phone, turned to the side of the baby, and continued to call Luo Xichen.

At this moment, he simu was supporting Luo Xichen in the direction of the lounge in the he family.

They had just walked a few steps when the phone rang again.

He simu glanced at his phone and wanted to hang up again. Luo Xichen reached out and took the phone from her hand. "I'll take it myself! "

He was a little drunk, but he was still conscious. He looked at the caller ID and pushed he simu aside to answer the call.

"Daddy! " The baby's voice came from the other end of the phone, excited.

"Baby, why aren't you resting at this time of night? " Luo Xichen asked as he walked out of the he family home.

"Daddy, Darling and Mommy Miss You. When will you be back? " The little girl's voice was sweet.

Luo Xichen's lips curled up a little after she spoke.

She thought that it was possible for him to miss her. They had only been separated for a short while. How could Sha Zhixing Miss Him?

"Xichen, can you drive? " He simu asked in a high voice as she watched him walk abnormally.

Darling's hearing was very good. He was sensitive enough to catch the movements here. His smile from before instantly collapsed.

There's a woman here!

Luo Xichen did not know if he heard he simu's voice, but he kept walking forward.

"Daddy, COME BACK SOON! " The baby got angry when he heard he simu's voice. He hung up the phone and pulled Noah into the quilt.

Sha Zhixing saw the two little bodies under the quilt, high up and squirming like worms. The baby and Noah were talking softly, and it seemed like they were discussing something. It was a very funny scene.

What was he doing?

���� Digression

7th New Article has been published, dangerous trial marriage: The rich family pampers their wife at a sky-high price, pen name he Qingxia, the story of Ya Feng and Xiyao, relaxed pampering, the content is absolutely wonderful, seeking collection ~ seeking collection ~ seeking collection ~