Chapter 1083, accident

The baby and Noah sat side by side, still playing with their own.

The baby would occasionally harass noah with the pig rabbit in his hand. A sweet smile blossomed on his pink face, innocent and cute.

Noah lowered his head and studied the gun in his hand, his expression seemingly very focused.

Sha Zhixing exited the elevator and walked directly to the stairs leading to the top floor. She had not seen the child for several hours, so her footsteps were a little fast.

He Simu and Lin Ya came to the stairs one after the other. When they passed by the two children, Lin Ya's body suddenly let out an "ah" sound and fell down.

Her body was directly facing the two children.

Shi Qinuo saw the movement from not far away and his eyes darkened. He stood up and flew towards them.

The baby and Noah reflexively tried to avoid it to avoid being pressed down on them. When they dodged to the side, they were pushed by someone.

The two small figures lost their balance after that and staggered backwards.

"Ah" another sound came from the top floor. The two small figures directly rolled down the stairs

Shi Qinuo's face turned pale. He did not have time to see the situation clearly. He jumped forward and tried to grab the two children. However, he only managed to grab the baby.

Noah's small figure rolled down the stairs. He had only fallen a few steps when Sha Zhixing's figure suddenly appeared. She wanted to catch the child, but Noah fell with gravity. She had just heard the sound and ran very fast. She could not stand still for a moment She was hit by Noah's body. The mother and child both rolled down the stairs

"Mommy" the baby's hoarse voice came from the top floor. It was very loud and very panicked.

The stairs were a little long. Sha Zhixing's arms protected Noah in her arms. Even when he was still unconscious, she still protected him carefully. The two of them fell down together and finally crashed into a platform at the corner and stopped.

Sha Zhixing's head hit the wall on the side and she lost consciousness due to the pain.

Noah had been protected by Sha Zhixing all this time. It was inevitable that he would have stumbling injuries on his body, but he was not seriously injured. His consciousness was only for a short while and he quickly regained consciousness.

"Mommy, are you okay? " Noah was kneeling beside Sha Zhixing, and he was on the verge of crying.

Shi qinuo looked at this scene in shock. He carried the baby and ran over in a few steps.

"Zhixing, can you hear me? " Shi Qinuo shook Sha Zhixing lightly, testing her reaction.

However, Sha Zhixing's eyes were tightly shut, and her face was deathly Pale.

Shi Qinuo's heartbeat missed a beat when he saw her face.

He simu stood on the top floor, watching this scene indifferently. The corners of her lips curled up in ridicule.

The child was fine, but she had accidentally hurt Sha Zhixing. It was worth it.

"Mommy, wake up... wake up! " The two children sat next to Sha Zhixing and kept shaking her as they called out to her in their childish voices. They cried very sadly when they saw that she did not react at all ...

"Take Mommy to the hospital first and follow uncle. " There was no time to think about other things. Shi Qinuo bent down and carried Sha Zhixing in his arms. He took her in big strides and ran out of Rong Xi's building.

The two children followed behind and called Luo Xichen as they walked, relaying the situation here.

Shi Qinuo arrived at the hospital first and transferred Sha Zhixing to the emergency room.

Luo Xichen and the rest of the Luo family arrived later. A group of people waited outside the emergency room.

The baby hugged Luo Xichen and cried sadly. "Bad man... bad man... "