Chapter 1078 says you miss me

Luo xichen leaned against the wall to steady himself. She held him up with both arms and sniffed at his silk shirt. She thought of the scene where he had just parked his car and suddenly looked up. "Did you drive back by yourself? "

"Baby said you miss me. " Luo Xichen did not answer her question directly. He looked at her calmly and said in a teasing tone.

"CRAZY! " Sha Zhixing scolded him softly. She had mixed feelings in her heart and hugged him a little tighter.

Luo Xichen was usually a very steady person and he did things in an orderly manner. However, his behavior tonight was too crazy.

How could he drive after drinking so much?

Wasn't he playing with his own life?

"Don't worry, I know what to do. " Luo Xichen could not bear to let her worry too much about him. He comforted her gently and suddenly leaned against the wall behind her.

He leaned over and buried his face in her neck. He took a deep breath of her natural and pure body fragrance and the corners of his lips suddenly curled up. "What did you say before you left work tonight? "

"What? " Sha Zhixing pretended not to understand what he said.

She did not say anything. He was the one who said it!

"is the baby sleeping with Noah? " Luo xichen looked upstairs and tightened his arms around her.

"Not yet! " Sha Zhixing smiled.

Luo Xichen's face darkened. "Why are the two kids still awake at this time of night? "

"I was waiting for you! " Sha Zhixing smiled and pushed Luo Xichen's body. "I'll make you some soup to sober you up. "

She turned and walked into the kitchen.

Luo Xichen followed behind her with a Sullen look on his face.

The castle was very quiet at this time. There were only two people's voices.

Sha Zhixing went into the kitchen and did her own thing. Luo Xichen accompanied her.

"Why are you drinking tonight when you know you have to drive? " Sha Zhixing glanced at him and turned her head to ask.

"Some business, " Luo Xichen replied.

"You can call someone to pick it up when you come back, " Sha Zhixing said.

"Xing Bao called a few times. I was afraid that she would wait too long, " Luo Xichen replied.

Sha Zhixing was stunned.

Was that why he drove back on his own?

Luo Xichen put his arms around her waist from the back and rubbed his chin gently on her shoulders. "I was afraid that you would wait too long. "

Sha Zhixing,"..."

Luo xichen smiled faintly and stirred the soup in the small pot for her. His hands rubbed against the back of her hands.

He had drunk some wine and his body temperature was a little hot. His body and palm were both hot. Sha Zhixing could clearly feel the warmth coming from his body.

The two completely different body temperatures mixed together, bringing about a slight throb. Sha Zhixing's body could not help but tremble slightly.

Luo Xichen noticed her reaction and hugged her even tighter.

He turned his head and kissed her on the side of her face. His face suddenly turned and leaned towards her collarbone

"Xi, Xi Chen, the baby and NOAH ARE NOT ASLEEP YET! " Sha Zhixing gasped and hit him on the shoulder to remind him.

Luo Xichen ignored her words and picked her up with both arms. He sat her down on the counter and leaned his handsome face towards her again.

Sha Zhixing was afraid that she would be embarrassed if the child saw her. She wanted to dodge, but Luo Xichen held her head and stopped her.

Sha Zhixing's face was red and her voice was a little coquettish. "Let's go to the room! "

Luo Xichen was stunned for a moment. Then, he smiled... ...