Chapter 1086: A taste of his own medicine

The chattering crowd in the room glanced at him, but no one paid any attention to him.

Luo Xichen was ignored magnificently, his handsome face dark.

After a moment of silence, he walked up to grandfather Luo and pushed him out of the room. "Zhixing, it's time to rest. Let's go back to what we were doing! "

He pushed the one with the most dignity. Luo Yi stared at him for a few seconds and wanted to ignore him, but he stopped himself when he remembered that he did not say a word.

"Alright, alright, let's go. Come back later. " Luo Yi looked at the rest of the people in the room and took the lead.

Who would dare not listen to the old man?

After he spoke, the crowd around the bed dispersed. Even the baby and Noah were carried out.

Luo Xichen was satisfied with the quiet house. He walked to the bed and sat down.

He pinched her Chin and turned to look at the wound on her head. Luo xichen looked at the bandage on her head and felt his heart ache.

He could not blame her for not protecting herself. Her actions were instinctive, and there was no time to think about it at that time.

"Does it hurt? " He asked gently as he fixed his gaze on her pale face.

"I'm fine. " It would be a lie to say that it did not hurt, but Sha Zhixing was not that delicate. As long as she and Noah were fine, this injury was nothing?

Her eyes darkened when she thought of the scene when the accident happened.

She did not hear he SIMU's story. Sha Zhixing did not believe her at first. Even if she heard what she said just now, she might not believe it.

If it was just one child, she might have gotten hurt by accident. But how could there be so many coincidences when two people got hurt together?

What was even more coincidental was that he simu was still beside her!

And it happened right after Noah and the baby had messed with her today!

She could not be blamed for being paranoid. Noah and the baby had always been very self-protective. They always took care of their own safety when they were playing. They had never gotten into any accidents after they could walk, not to mention that they were together in such a serious situation today!

"what did the baby and Noah say? " She looked up and looked at Luo Xichen.

"The baby said that it was pushed by someone, " Luo Xichen said.

Sha Zhixing's face darkened immediately after he said that. She clenched her fists and crumpled the sheets into a ball.

She believed her children!

The two children were her bottom line. She would pursue this matter to the end, whether it had anything to do with HE SIMU or not!

Her eyes darkened. She turned her head and looked at Luo Xichen beside her. She smiled and said, "Xichen, carry me up. I want to be discharged from the hospital! "

"take a good rest. COME HERE! " Luo Xichen was worried about her condition.

"I'm fine. It's okay. " Sha Zhixing put an arm on his shoulder and sat up with his support.

Luo Xichen had no choice but to hug her tightly and bring her out of the hospital.

The two of them did not return to the castle. Instead, they went to the Luo family to pick up the two children.

As the family of four sat in the car, Sha Zhixing looked at the two little ones beside her and asked seriously, "baby, Noah, tell Mommy. Are you sure that you were pushed? "

"that person pushed me and my brother at the same time. " The baby explained many times, but no one said that they had to believe her. She felt a little wronged.

Just as tears were about to fall, Sha Zhixing picked her up. "Baby, Mommy believes you. "

The baby's expression turned bright in a few seconds after she said that. He smiled at her and smacked her face hard. His voice was sweet. "MOMMY IS THE BEST! "

���� Digression

Girls, the main text was almost over. The new text had already been published. The story of Ya Feng's pen name he qingxia would be searched in the bookstore. The story of Mu Siyan would also be in that book. Everyone could keep it for now.