Chapter 1093: I love you


The glass in he simu's hand fell off, making a cracking sound on the ground. The delicate ceramic pieces fell to the ground.

Luo xichen glanced at the ceramic pieces on the ground, then looked at her dejected face. He already had an answer in his heart.

"Why did you do that? " He looked up coldly, his eyes filled with malice.

He simu's eyes were filled with mist. Her face was Pale at first, but soon it turned red with excitement.

She stared at him and was silent for a long time. "Don't you remember me at all? " She asked in a hoarse voice

Luo xichen frowned. He didn't understand what she was saying.

"You really don't remember anything... " He Simu fell back into her chair and rummaged in her bag. She took out a photo and pushed it in front of him. "I'm he Qianqian's sister. "

There was a girl and a boy in the photo. The girl was shyly leaning against the boy and looking at him from the side. Her eyes were pure and innocent, while the boy was cold and looked straight ahead.

He simu had mustered up the courage to take this picture with him when she was in middle school. It was also the only picture of the two of them together. She had kept it by her side ever since. Although they had not seen each other since they went abroad, his face had never faded from hers.

Luo xichen looked at the picture silently. Some images flashed through his mind, but they were not clear.

He did not remember the name he Qianqian before. It was only when she had mentioned a lot of names to him when he had proposed to Sha Zhixing last time.

"Why do you think I kept this photo for so many years and kept it with me at all times? " He simu asked as she suppressed the emotions in her chest and twisted his eyes.

Luo Xichen was silent after her words.

"I came back here from Northern Ireland many years later. The 5203 admirers series from the design competition entered Rong Xi and even stayed in Rong Xi. It was all because of you! " He simu's tears fell from the corner of her eyes as she held his hand.

"Xichen, I love you. I have never changed since I was in middle school "If it weren't for Sha Zhixing, we would be a couple. Mother Luo even arranged for us to go on a blind date. If it weren't for Sha Zhixing, things wouldn't be like this "Xichen, I know I made a mistake, but it's all because I love you that I got confused! "

Her voice was Hoarse, and there were occasional sobs. This was the first time Luo Xichen had seen he simu so weak.

He Simu, who had always been active as a queen in front of everyone, cried in front of a person for the first time. She cried in pain and despair. She held Luo Xichen's hand tightly, as if he was her only pillar of support.

However, Luo Xichen only gave her a cold look and quietly shook her hand away.

He stood up and glanced at her coldly. His voice was cold. "If people who like a man do what you do, there will be many innocent people who will be hurt. "

After saying that, he walked straight out of the restaurant.

He simu wanted to go up and ask him to stay, but he pushed her away expressionlessly.

After taking a few steps forward, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at her. He added with a cold face, "next time, think about your weight before you do anything. Be careful not to lose more than you gain. "

After saying that, he walked away without looking back.