Chapter 1088, framing

In the next few days, everything went smoothly for Rong Xi.

Early in the morning on the fourth day, a company called Lasting suddenly released a stunning piece of work. It was signed Plato's eternity. From the name to the design of the jewelry, everything was exactly the same as Sha Zhixing's work from a few days ago... ...

The Work of Rong Xi's Sha Zhixing had not been released yet. The design was still with he Simu, and it had not even been shown to the other higher-ups. In the whole of Rong Xi, only Sha Zhixing and he simu had seen the design, and there was one more Luo Xichen.

Under such circumstances, a company had published this eternal work called Plato before Rong Xi did. This could only mean one thing -- the design had been leaked!

A sky-high price design had been leaked without being released. The loss of a company like this was very huge.

Sha Zhixing looked at the newspaper in her hand, which was full of reports about the eternal Plato of Lasting company. The corners of her lips curled up coldly. She clenched the newspaper tightly and went straight to the design department.

There were many people in the design department. Almost all of them were there.

Sha Zhixing walked straight to he SIMU's office. She threw the stack of newspapers in her hand onto her desk and asked expressionlessly, "Miss He, can you explain what's going on? "

Her words caused the other people in the office to gather around her. One by one, they started to discuss in low voices.

"What's going on? "

"Yeah, what happened? "

No one in the company had ever seen this design before. Now that the work had been released in advance, naturally, no one would be able to recognize it even if they saw it. No one knew what was going on.

However, he simu was different. On the day she received Sha Zhixing's design, everyone had seen her flipping through Sha Zhixing's design.

He SIMU's face was a little Pale after Sha Zhixing's words, and her gaze was a little cold.

"Miss He, shouldn't you explain to everyone why my design would appear at other companies' press conferences? "

A sentence exploded on the spot.

Sha Zhixing's design had been leaked?

He Simu held the newspaper in her hand and blanked out for a few seconds. She slowly raised her head and stood up. Her gaze was at the same level as Sha Zhixing's, and her voice was filled with ridicule. "What? Are you suspecting me? Miss Sha, you have to pay attention to evidence when you speak! "

"I've asked the other higher-ups. This design hasn't been submitted yet. Before Lasting company's release, only you, me, and Xichen have seen it. Or does miss he think that Xichen and I leaked the secrets of our company? "

He Simu's words silenced he Simu, and the people around her followed suit. They all looked at he simu in shock.

Rong Xi was a family business. Sha Zhixing and Luo xichen would never do such a thing. If only the three of them had seen the design, then the answer to where the design had been leaked was obvious!

Sha Zhixing and he simu had been competitors for many years. If her design had been leaked, she would have seen it at the press conference of other companies. This would not only eliminate the greatest competition for he simu, but it might also frame Sha Zhixing for plagiarizing someone else's work It would damage her image.

Sha Zhixing only asked a question in return. The rest of the company automatically spread their thoughts and made wild guesses. Why did he Simu do it? The benefits of doing so were automatically added All of them looked at her with disbelief and doubt in their eyes.

"I didn't! " Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, he simu lost control and shouted at the people around her.